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Re: [ns] Dijkstra patch for ns

Xuan, John, all,

After a bit of holiday I've got some extra stamina (and time) to
fix the problems w/ my previous patch for using heap Dijkstra for
Static/Session routing. As I suspected initially (see below the
original mail exchange) it was indeed a routing logic error. Now I
fixed it and all regression tests pass successfully.

As always, the patch is against an ancient ns snapshot (20010320) but
I guess forward porting to the current bleeding edge isn't such a
major PITA. 

Regards and all the best,


P.S. IIRC there were some others asking questions about it so I Cc:
ns-users too ;)  

>> Hi, Florian:
>> We (saman group at ISI) have put your patch into the ns cvs. However,
>> serveral tests failed after that, could you please have a look into
>> that. Thanks so much for contributing your new implementation.

>> Cheers,
>> -chen xuan

> ACK that. Test fail here too. Sorry for that, but ATM I don't have
> the time to dig into it to see exactly what's broken, moved to other
> stuff (MNS....). Good to remember next time to validate a patch
> before submitting it ;).

> Thanks for your notice, sorry for introducing the bug. 

> Florian

> P.S. From the error message it looks like a routing logic error. I'll try to
> have a look at it but cannot promise any timeline.

--- ns-2-snapshot-20010320/route.h	Thu Feb 22 20:45:39 2001
+++ my-ns-2/route.h	Tue Jun 12 16:33:48 2001
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
  * Bertsekas' book.  Written originally by S. Keshav, 7/18/88
  * (his work covered by identical UC Copyright)
- * @(#) $Header: /nfs/jade/vint/CVSROOT/ns-2/route.h,v 1.7 2001/02/22 19:45:39 haldar Exp $
+ * @(#) $Header: /users/ce/otel/tmp/ns-unstable/ns-2/route.h,v 1.3 2001/06/12 14:33:48 otel Exp $
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
 struct route_entry {
 	int next_hop;
+	double cost; // For heap Dijkstra  - Yup, 20010531
 	void* entry;
@@ -121,7 +122,13 @@
 	int	*C_;                    /* no. of clusters/domain */
 	int	D_,			/* total no. of domains */
 		Cmax_;			/* max value of C_ for initialization purpose */
+   /***   Yup, 20010523  Heap helper functions (STL might not be avail) ***/
+	void rt_sift_down     (route_entry *, int **, int *, int i);
+	void rt_make_heap     (route_entry *, int **, int *);
+	void print_rt_heap    (route_entry *, int **, int *);
+	int  rt_min_alter_heap(route_entry *, int **, int *);
 class RouteLogicAlgo : public RouteLogic {
--- ns-2-snapshot-20010320/route.cc	Thu Feb 22 20:45:39 2001
+++ my-ns-2/route.cc	Mon Jul 23 17:06:16 2001
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 #ifndef lint
 static const char rcsid[] =
-"@(#) $Header: /nfs/jade/vint/CVSROOT/ns-2/route.cc,v 1.38 2001/02/22 19:45:39 haldar Exp $ (LBL)";
+"@(#) $Header: /users/ce/otel/tmp/ns-unstable/my-ns-2/route.cc,v 1.7 2001/06/12 14:37:24 otel Exp otel $ (LBL)";
 #include <stdlib.h>
@@ -409,77 +409,161 @@
 	adj_[INDEX(src, dst, size_)].cost = INFINITY;
+// ************************    Yup    ****************************************
+void RouteLogic::rt_sift_down (route_entry *adjmtrx, int **heap, int *heapsz, int i)
+  { int c=i, p=-1, tind=0;
+    while (p!=c) {
+      p=c;
+      if ((2*(p+1)-1) ==  *heapsz -1) // Exactly half-way. One kid, one swap, one exit.
+	  if (adjmtrx[(*heap)[2*(p+1)-1]].cost   < adjmtrx[(*heap)[p]].cost ) {
+	      // Swap 
+	     tind=(*heap)[p];
+	     (*heap)[p]=(*heap)[2*(p+1)-1];
+	     (*heap)[2*(p+1)-1]=tind;
+	     return;
+          }
+// Two kids. Pick the smallest
+      if ((2*(p+1)-1) < *heapsz -1)
+	  if (adjmtrx[(*heap)[2*(p+1)-1]].cost < adjmtrx[(*heap)[2*(p+1)]].cost){
+	      if (adjmtrx[(*heap)[2*(p+1)-1]].cost < adjmtrx[(*heap)[p]].cost) 
+	      c=2*(p+1)-1;
+           }
+	  else
+	      if (adjmtrx[(*heap)[2*(p+1)]].cost < adjmtrx[(*heap)[p]].cost) 
+	         c=2*(p+1);
+// Swap	      
+      tind=(*heap)[p];
+      (*heap)[p]=(*heap)[c];
+      (*heap)[c]=tind;
+    }
+  } 
+void RouteLogic::rt_make_heap (route_entry *adjmtrx, int **heap , int *heapsz)
+// The heap is running from 0 to (*heapsz-1)
+{ int i;
+  for (i= (int) (*heapsz/2-1) ; i>=0; i--) rt_sift_down (adjmtrx,heap,heapsz,i)
+void RouteLogic::print_rt_heap (route_entry *adjmtrx, int **heap, int *heapsz)
+  { int z;
+    printf  ("adjmtrx\n");
+    for (z=0;z<*heapsz;z++) printf("%d ", (int) adjmtrx[(*heap)[z]].cost);
+    printf ("\nheap\n");
+    for (z=0;z<*heapsz;z++) printf("%d ", (*heap)[z]);
+    printf("\n");
+  } 
+int RouteLogic::rt_min_alter_heap (route_entry *adjmtrx, int **heap, int *heapsz)
+{ int ret; 
+  ret=(*heap)[*heapsz-1];
+  (*heap)[*heapsz-1]=(*heap)[1];
+  (*heap)[1]=ret;
+  ret=(*heap)[0];
+  (*heapsz)--;
+  (*heap)++; // XXX Pointer arithmetic
+  rt_make_heap(adjmtrx,heap,heapsz);
+  return ret;
 void RouteLogic::compute_routes()
 	int n = size_;
-	int* parent = new int[n];
-	double* hopcnt = new double[n];
 #define ADJ(i, j) adj_[INDEX(i, j, size_)].cost
 #define ADJ_ENTRY(i, j) adj_[INDEX(i, j, size_)].entry
 #define ROUTE(i, j) route_[INDEX(i, j, size_)].next_hop
 #define ROUTE_ENTRY(i, j) route_[INDEX(i, j, size_)].entry
+#define ROUTE_COST(i, j) route_[INDEX(i, j, size_)].cost
 	delete[] route_;
-	route_ = new route_entry[n * n];
-	memset((char *)route_, 0, n * n * sizeof(route_[0]));
+        route_ = new route_entry[n * n];
+        memset((char *)route_, 0, n * n * sizeof(route_[0]));
-	/* do for all the sources */
-	int k;
-	for (k = 1; k < n; ++k) {
-		int v;
-		for (v = 0; v < n; v++)
-			parent[v] = v;
-		/* set the route for all neighbours first */
-		for (v = 1; v < n; ++v) {
-			if (parent[v] != k) {
-				hopcnt[v] = ADJ(k, v);
-				if (hopcnt[v] != INFINITY) {
-					ROUTE(k, v) = v;
-					ROUTE_ENTRY(k, v) = ADJ_ENTRY(k, v);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		for (v = 1; v < n; ++v) {
-			/*
-			 * w is the node that is the nearest to the subtree
-			 * that has been routed
-			 */
-			int o = 0;
-			/* XXX */
-			hopcnt[0] = INFINITY;
-			int w;
-			for (w = 1; w < n; w++)
-				if (parent[w] != k && hopcnt[w] < hopcnt[o])
-					o = w;
-			parent[o] = k;
-			/*
-			 * update distance counts for the nodes that are
-			 * adjacent to o
-			 */
-			if (o == 0)
-				continue;
-			for (w = 1; w < n; w++) {
-				if (parent[w] != k &&
-				    hopcnt[o] + ADJ(o, w) < hopcnt[w]) {
-					ROUTE(k, w) = ROUTE(k, o);
-					ROUTE_ENTRY(k, w) = 
-					    ROUTE_ENTRY(k, o);
-					hopcnt[w] = hopcnt[o] + ADJ(o, w);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * The route to yourself is yourself.
-	 */
-	for (k = 1; k < n; ++k) {
-		ROUTE(k, k) = k;
-		ROUTE_ENTRY(k, k) = 0; // This should not matter
-	}
+// ************************    Yup    ****************************************
-	delete[] hopcnt;
-	delete[] parent;
+	int rt_heap_ [n]; // XXX Heap container. Maybe the use of heap memory instead for very large n would be wise ?
+	int * rth;    // Dynamic heap head
+	int s,v,w; 
+	int i,hpsz;
+// "All pairs" loop i.e. by "s", the source node
+	      for (s=0;s<n;s++){
+// (Re) seat, (re)size and (re) initialize the heap
+		      rth = rt_heap_;
+		      hpsz=size_;
+		      memset((char *) rth , 0, n * sizeof(int));  
+		      for (v=0;v<n;v++){   //  MUST start from 0 due to above memset
+// Set the initial cost/nexthop/entry  from adjacency info
+			      ROUTE_COST(s,v)=ADJ(s,v);
+			      if (ROUTE_COST(s,v) !=INFINITY) {
+				      ROUTE(s,v)=v;  				    
+				      ROUTE_ENTRY(s,v)=ADJ_ENTRY(s,v);
+			      }
+			      rth[v]=v; // Initially same as the adjacency indexes
+			      if (v == s){  // Iick
+				    ROUTE_COST(s,s)=0;
+				    ROUTE(s,s)=s;
+				    ROUTE_ENTRY(s,s)=0;
+				}			
+		      }
+		      if (!s) continue; // Started from node 0 (bogus) only for route_ esthetic reasons
+		      rt_make_heap(route_ + s*size_,&rth,&hpsz);
+//		      print_rt_heap(route_ + s*size_,&rth,&hpsz); // exit (0);
+		      rt_min_alter_heap (route_ + s*size_,&rth,&hpsz); // XXX Drop off the head (self) as the artificial 0 cost (i.e. min) screws the heap
+		      while (hpsz > 1) {
+			      v = rt_min_alter_heap (route_ + s*size_,&rth,&hpsz);
+			      for (i=0;i<hpsz;i++){
+				      if (!(w=rth[i])) continue; // Node 0 is bogus
+				      if (ROUTE_COST(s,w) > (ROUTE_COST(s,v)+ADJ(v,w))){
+					      ROUTE_COST(s,w)=ROUTE_COST(s,v)+ADJ(v,w);
+					      ROUTE(s,w)=ROUTE(s,v); // new (tentative) next hop
+					      ROUTE_ENTRY(s,w)=ROUTE_ENTRY(s,v);
+				      }
+			      }
+		      }
+	      }
+//	      for (i=0;i<size_*size_;i++) 
+//		      if (route_[i].cost == (double) INFINITY) route_[i].cost=0;
+// ---------  Cut here ------------
+// 	                  int j;
+// 			  for(i=0;i<n;i++){
+// 				  for(j=0;j<n;j++)
+// 				      printf ("%2d|%-5d ",route_[i*size_+j].next_hop,(int) route_[i*size_+j].cost);
+// 				  printf("\n");
+// 			  }
+// 			  printf("\n");
+//  ---------  Cut here ------------
 /* hierarchical routing support */