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cannot get otcl to compile

I have a question about otcl.  I am trying to get ns-2.0 up and running.
I have first obtained otcl-0.96 but I cannot get it to install.

Does OTcl work with Tcl 7.6?  I follow the instructions in the README file
to install OTcl-0.96 and it can't seem to find the -ltcl and -ltk libraries
even though the path is set correctly.  The folowing is the output when
"make" is executed.

oberon{connors}#45: make
rm -f libotcl.so
gcc -o owish  -g -O -I. -I/home/dangle/connors/sim-tools/tcl7.6/generic -I/home/dangle/connors/sim-tools/tk4.2/include -I/usr/openwin/include otkAppInit.c \
-L. -lotcl -L/home/dangle/connors/sim-tools/tk4.2/lib/ -ltk -L/home/dangle/connors/sim-tools/tcl7.6/lib/ -ltcl -L/usr/openwin/lib -lX11 -ldl \
-lsocket -lnsl -lm
ld: fatal: library -ltk: not found
ld: fatal: library -ltcl: not found
ld: fatal: File processing errors.  No output written to owish
make: *** [owish] Error 1

The paths are set properely to the corresponding libraries, but it just wont
find them.  The following is the Makefile that resulted from the ./configure

# where to find tcl/tk source (for includes) and binaries (for libraries)

TCLINC=		-I/home/dangle/connors/sim-tools/tcl7.6/generic
TCLLIB=		-L/home/dangle/connors/sim-tools/tcl7.6/lib -ltcl
TKINC=		-I/home/dangle/connors/sim-tools/tk4.2/include
TKLIB=		-L/home/dangle/connors/sim-tools/tk4.2/lib -ltk


When I "cd" into these directories both binary library files are there.

oberon{connors}#55: pwd
oberon{connors}#56: ls
libtcl7.6.a*   tcl7.6/        tclConfig.sh

oberon{connors}#61: pwd
oberon{connors}#62: ls
libtk4.2.a*   tk4.2/        tkConfig.sh


Do you have any idea what the problem is?

Dennis Connors
[email protected]