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Re: problem with sgb2ns and mcast5.tcl

I saw your mail and thought I ought to point out that BST.tcl still does not 
work fully even in the latest snapshot.

Problem is the prune messages generated by $node leave-group $agent $group do 
not completely propagate up the tree. Result is that multicast routing state 
gets left in the network even once all the members have issued leave-group 



>	For your second problem, indeed I sent an email about this specific >file. I 
was asked to try with the newest release of ns, but in vain. I have >the same 
problem. The origin of the problem is in the file >~/tcl/mcast/BST.tcl. While 
the init method of the Class BST defined in this >file requires two arguments, 
when you put one argument the interpreter asks >for the second argument. And 
when you put two arguments it says too many >arguments which is a bit starnge 
to my mind.