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Memory leak in ns?

Hi all,

I just noticed that I ran out of memory when running a long (86 400
seconds) HTTP simulation. Memory consumption was about 1500MB when my
simulation crashed. I don't think that the problem is my HTTP generator
(although it is implemented in Otcl), because this behavior occurs only
when I have a LAN in my topology:
      LAN----------------o  Servers  
      (Clients)           \
I got the following error message: Virtual memory exceeded in `new'
If I leave the LAN out of my simulation, the memory consumption
is less than 1MB:
        o                    o
         \                  /
 Clients  o----------------o  Servers
         /                  \
        o                    o
I haven't modified any elements of the LAN. I use the following command to
create my LAN:
set lan_ [$ns make-lan $nodelist_ 10Mb 1ms LL Queue/DropTail Mac Channel]
Has anyone had any similar experiences?