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Bad event type MouseWheel-nam1.08a on Solaris 6

     Hello dear Martin, hello dear all

I have tried to make the changes that you proposed in the tcl file.
It has sounded also reasonable to me.
I have commended out two lines and added in the test-rlm.tcl file:

#$ns trace-all [open out.tr w]
#$ns namtrace-all [open out.nam w]
set nf [open out.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all $nf

set scn [new Scenario$scenario $ns]
#$ns at [expr $runtime +1] "$ns finish"
$ns at 3.0 "finish"
proc finish {} {
	global ns  nf
	$ns flush-trace
	close $f
	close $nf

	puts "running nam..."
	exec nam out.nam &
	exit 0

$ns run

Unfortunately the problem is persistent.
When I give 
>ns test-rlm.tcl 
I get 
: bad event type or keysym "MouseWheel"
    while executing
"bind Listbox <MouseWheel> {
%W yview scroll [expr - (%D / 120) * 4] units
and the simulator doesn't start
BUT IF I give in the test-rlm script instead of my new nam (=nam-1.08)
only the nam_old (=the version for Solaris from www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/nam/)
then it works.
Are there some Libraries missing on my Sun Workstation?