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[ns] Tiers??

I have reinstalled the Tiers1.1. and when doing the make commande in
"src/" directory the following error is displayed :
./tiers_main.cc:66: warning: `#ifdef' argument starts with a digit
./tiers_main.cc:31: declaration of C function `char * initstate(unsigned
int, char *, int)' conflicts with
/usr/include/stdlib.h:356: previous declaration `void *
initstate(unsigned int, void *, size_t)' here
make: *** [tiers_main.o] Error 1
there is a problem with the tiers_main.cc file?
where the problem is?
Koubaa Anis 
Organization : LORIA Nancy
Equipe : RESEDAS
Adresse : CU Haute Malgrange Vandeoeuvre Nancy Bloc C 528
Mail : [email protected]
Page Perso : http://www.loria.fr/~akoubaa/
Projet : Comparaison des Protocoles de cl�s de distribution de cl� de
groupe en utilisant NS