Research Papers
Toward orchestration of complex networking experiments. Alefiya Hussain, Prateek Jaipuria, Geoff Lawler, Stephen Schwab, and Terry Benzel. In 13th USENIX Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET 20). 2020.
DETERLab and the DETER Project. John Wroclawski, Terry Benzel, Jim Blythe, Ted Faber, Alefiya Hussain, Jelena Mirkovic, and Stephen Schwab. In GENI: Prototype of the Next Internet. Rick McGeer, Mark Berman, Chip Elliott and Rob Ricci, Eds. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2016.
Enabling Collaborative Research for Security and Resiliency of Energy Cyber Physical Systems. Alefiya Hussain, Ted Faber, Robert Braden, Terry Benzel, Tim Yardley, Jeremy Jones, David M. Nicol, William H. Sanders, Thomas W. Edgar, Thomas E. Carroll, David O. Manz, Laura Tinnel. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, 2014
First Steps Toward Scientific Cyber-Security Experimentation in Wide-Area Cyber-Physical Systems. Ryan Goodfellow, Robert Braden, Terry Benzel, and David E. Bakken. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop (CSIIRW 2013), Oak Ridge, TN, January 8-10, 2013.
The DETER Project: Towards Structural Advances in Experimental Cybersecurity Research and Evaluation. Terry Benzel and John Wroclawski. Invited Paper in the Journal of Information Processing, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp 824-834, October 2012.
Teaching Cybersecurity with DeterLab. Jelena Mirkovic and Terry Benzel. In J IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp. 73-76, Jan. - Feb. 2012 .
The Science of Cyber-Security Experimentation: the DETER Project. Terry Benzel. Proceedings of the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2011, Orlando, FL, December 2011.
The DETER Project - Advancing the Science of Cyber Security Experimentation and Test. Terry Benzel, Jelena Mirkovic, et al. IEEE HST 2010 Conf, Boston, MA, November 2010.
Current Developments in DETER Cybersecurity Testbed Technology. T. Benzel, Braden, T. Faber, J. Mirkovic, S. Schwab, K. Sollins and J. Wroclawski. In Proceedings of the Cybersecurity Applications & Technology Conference for Homeland Security (CATCH 2009), March 2009.
Idea: Trusted Emergency Management. T. Levin, C. Irvine, Terry V. Benzel, Thuy D. Nguyen, P. Clark, G. Bhaskara. International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems 2009, pp. 32-36. Feb. 2009.
Securing the Dissemination of Emergency Response Data with an Integrated Hardware-Software Architecture. T. Levin, Jeffrey S. Dwoskin, G. Bhaskara, Thuy D. Nguyen, P. Clark, R. Lee, C. Irvine, Terry V. Benzel. TRUST 2009: Trusted Computing, pp. 133-152. Feb. 2009.
PS 59-189: SPAN: A Sensor Processing and Acquisition Network-field deployment lessons learned. Silva, Fabio, Eric A. Graham, Annette DeSchon, Jui-Hung Chang, Young Cho, Philip W. Rundel, and Terry Benzel. " In The 94th ESA Annual Meeting. 2009.
"PS 66-133: SensorKit: An integrated sensor data collection system for field ecologists." Silva, Fabio, Eric A. Graham, Annette DeSchon, Yeung Lam, Thanos Stathopoulos, Wei Ye, Jeffrey Goldman, Terry Benzel, William Kaiser, and John Wroclawski. In The 93rd ESA Annual Meeting. Aug 2008.
Information Assurance Technology Forecast 2008. Steven M. Bellovin, Terry V. Benzel, Bob Blakley, Dorothy E. Denning, Whitfield Diffie, Jeremy Epstein, Paulo Verissimo. In IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, Vol. 10, Issue 1, 2008
Design Principles and Guidelines for Security. Levin, Timothy E. Irvine, Cynthia E. Benzel, Terry V. Bhaskara, Ganesha Clark, Paul C. Nguyen, Thuy D. Technical rept. for Naval Postgraduate School Center for Information Systems Security Studies and Research. Nov 2007.
Design, Deployment, and Use of the DETER Testbed. Terry V. Benzel, R. Braden, Dongho Kim, A. Joseph, B. C. Neuman, Ron Ostrenga, S. Schwab, K. Sklower. DETER Community Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test 2007. Aug 2007, Boston, MA.
Securecore security architecture: Authority mode and emergency management. Levin, Timothy E., Ganesha Bhaskara, Thuy D. Nguyen, Paul C. Clark, Terry V. Benzel, and Cynthia E. Irvine.. NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA CENTER FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY STUDIES AND RESEARCH, 2007.
Systemic Security Management. Laree Kiely and Terry Benzel. In IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, Vol. 4, Issue 6, 2006
Experience with DETER: A Testbed for Security Research. T. Benzel, R. Braden, D. Kim, C. Neuman, A. Joseph, K. Sklower, R. Ostrenga, S. Schwab. 2nd IEEE Conference on testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities. (TridentCom 2006).
Preliminary security requirements for SecureCore hardware. Nguyen, Thuy D., Timothy E. Levin, Cynthia E. Irvin, Terry V. Benzel, and Ganesha Bhaskara. NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA DEPT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, 2006.
Virtualization of a Processor-based Crypto-Protection Mechanism and Integration within a Separation Kernel Architecture. Bhaskara, Ganesha, Timothy E. Levin, Thuy D. Nguyen, Cynthia E. Irvine, Terry V. Benzel, Jeffrey S. Dwoskin, and Ruby B. Lee. Technical report, Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2006-006, 2006.
Virtualization and Integration of SP Services in SecureCore. Bhaskara, Ganesha, Timothy E. Levin, Thuy D. Nguyen, Cynthia E. Irvine, Terry V. Benzel, Jeffrey Dwoskin, and Ruby Lee. University of California, Information Sciences Institute Technical Report ISI-TR-623 (2006).
Design Principles for Security. C. Irvine, Ganesha Bhaskare, Terry V. Benzel, P. Clark, T. Levin, Thuy D. Nguyen. Calhoun: Institutional Archive of the Naval Postgraduate School. Sep. 2005.
Cyber Defense Technology Networking and Evaluation, R. Bajcsy, T. Benzel, Bishop, B. Braden, C. Brodley, S. Fahmy, S. Floyd, W. Hardaker, A. Joseph, Kesidis, K. Levitt, B. Lindell, P. Liu, D. Miller, R. Mundy, C. Neuman, R. Ostrenga, V. Paxson, P. Porras, C. Rosenberg, J. D. Tygar, S. Sastry, D. Sterne, S. W., Comm. A.C.M., 47(3), 2004.
Cyber Defense Technology Experimental Research, T. Benzel, InterAct Magazine of The Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC), Spring 2004.
Sigma: Security for Distributed Object Interoperability between Trusted and Untrusted Systems. John Sebes, T.C. Vickers-Benzel, Proceedings of IEEE Information Survivability Conference, 1999.
The Architecture of Triad: A Distributed, Real-Time, Trusted System. E. John Sebes Terry C. Vickers Benzel, Michael Barnett, Nancy Kelem, Mary Bernstein, Eve Cohen, David M. Gallon, Jeff Jones, Jon King, Roman Zacjew. 1998
The Triad System: The Design of a Distributed, Real-Time, Trusted System. Sebes, E. John, Pierre X. Pasturel, Terry C. Vickers Benzel, Dennis Hollingworth, and Eve L. Cohen.. TRUSTED INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC LOS ANGELES CA, 1996.
Identification of subjects and objects in a trusted extensible client server architecture. Terry C. Vickers Benzel, E. John Sebes, and Homayoon Tajalli. In Proceedings of the 18th National Information Systems Security Conference, pp. 83-99. 1995.
Real-time trust with 'System Build': lessons learned. M.M. Bernstein and T.C. Vickers Benzel, Proceedings of 9th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, 1993.
Developing trusted systems using DOD-STD-2167A. T.C.V. Benzel. Fifth Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, Dec. 1989.
Formal policies for trusted processes. J. Landauer, T. Redmond, Terry V. Benzel. Proceedings of the Computer Security Foundations Workshop II, June 1989.
Trusted Software Verification: A Case Study. Terry V. Benzel, Deborah A. Tavilla. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Apr. 1985.
Verification technology and the A1 criteria. Benzel, Terry C. Vickers. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 10, no. 4 (1985): 108-109.
Analysis of a Kemel Verification. Terry Vickers Benzel. 1984 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. Oakland, CA. Apr-May 1984.
Magazine Articles
Toward Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable Cybersecurity Artifacts. Balenson, David, Terry Benzel, Eric Eide, David Emmerich, David Johnson, Jelena Mirkovic, and Laura Tinnel. In Cyber Security Experimentation and Test Workshop, pp. 65-70. 2022.
Cybersecurity as an illuminator for the future of computing research. John Wroclawski, Terry Benzel. Communications of the ACM. Vol. 65, No. 5, pp. 39-41. 2022
Research and Industry Partnerships in Cybersecurity and Privacy Research: New Frontiers or Fueling the Tech Sector? Terry Benzel. In IEEE Security & Privacy. Vol. 19, Issue 5, 2021.
Perspectives on the SolarWinds Incident. Sean Peisert, Bruce Schneier, Hamed Okhravi, Fabio Massacci, Terry Benzel, Carl Landwehr, Mohammad Mannan, Jelena Mirkovic, Atul Prakash, James Bret Michael. In IEEE Security & Privacy. Vol. 19, Issue 2, 2021.
Cybersecurity Research for the Future. Terry Benzel. Communications of the ACM. Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 26-28, Jan 2021.
IEEE Euro S&P: The Younger Sibling Across the Pond Following in Oakland's Footsteps. Terry Benzel, Frank Stajano. In IEEE Security & Privacy. Vol. 18, Issue 3, 2020.
The Growth of a Conference, a Community, and an Industry. Terry Benzel. In IEEE Security & Privacy. Vol. 14, Issue 4, 2016.
A Strategic Plan for Cybersecurity Research and Development. Terry Benzel. In IEEE Security & Privacy. Vol. 13, Issue 4, Jul-Aug 2015.
“We Are at [Cyber] War.” Terry Benzel, USC Viterbi Magazine. Fall 2014.
A Symposium, a Magazine, and a Community. Terry Benzel. In IEEE Security & Privacy. Vol. 12, Issue 3, 2014.
Crossing the Great Divide: Transferring Security Technology from Research to the Market. Terry V. Benzel, Steve Lipner. In IEEE Security & Privacy. Vol. 11, Issue 2, 2013.
Media Coverage
“DETER Project Works on Cyber Defense,” Destiny Torres, Los Angeles Business Journal. Jul. 2022.
“USC ISI Cybersecurity Expert Terry Benzel Elected to IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors” USC Information Sciences Institute. Dec. 2020
“USC ISI’s DeterLab Testbed Gets a Makeover,” USC Information Sciences Institute. Dec. 2020
“USC ISI Director Honored with IEEE Senior Member Status” USC Information Sciences Institute. Jul. 2020
“ISI’s Terry Benzel Appointed to the National Science Foundation’s CISE Advisory Committee.” USC Information Sciences Institute. June 2018.
“Collaborating to Combat Cyberwar: DETER Team Wins Federal Government Award.” USC Viterbi School of Engineering, Jul. 2017.
“Test Drive: Terry Benzel Joins California Transportation Commission Evaluation,” USC Viterbi School of Engineering, Jul. 2017.
“Supporting the Diversity Life Cycle: A Conversation with Terry Benzel” IEEE Cybersecurity, Aug. 2016.
“The DETER Project’s scientific approach to fighting internet crime,” Michael Kassner, TechRepublic. Jan. 2016
"Oral history interview with Terry Benzel." Charles Babbage Institute. 2014.
“Digital Danger.” Matthew McLaughlin. National Society of Professional Engineers, July 2013.
“Terry Benzel Testifies Before Congress About Cybersecurity Research” USC Viterbi School of Engineering, Mar. 2013
“Cyber War Games,” Anna Rothschild, NOVA. PBS. Oct. 2013.
“USC Lab Stresses Security on the Web,” USC News, Oct. 2011
“DETER Wins 2008 Excellence.Gov Honor.” USC Viterbi School of Engineering, Apr. 2008
“Sensornets Go Off-the-Shelf.” USC Viterbi School of Engineering, Feb. 2008
“Cyberdefender Comes to ISI” USC Viterbi School of Engineering, Oct. 2003.