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  2022 (4)
Novel Proposals for FAIR, Automated, Recommendable, and Robust Workflows. Abhinit, I.; Adams, E. K.; Alam, K.; Chase, B.; Deelman, E.; Gorenstein, L.; Hudson, S.; Islam, T.; Larson, J.; Lentner, G.; Mandal, A.; Navarro, J.; Nicolae, B.; Pouchard, L.; Ross, R.; Roy, B.; Rynge, M.; Serebrenik, A.; Vahi, K.; Wild, S.; Xin, Y.; da Silva, R. F.; and Filgueira, R. In 2022 IEEE/ACM Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), pages 84-92, 2022. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1839900 and DOE DE-AC02-06CH11357, DE-AC05-00OR22725
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An automated Cryo-EM computational environment on the HPC system using Pegasus WMS. Osinski, T.; Rynge, M.; Hong, J. K.; Vahi, K.; Chu, R.; Sul, C.; Deelman, E.; and Kim, B. In 2022 IEEE/ACM Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), pages 60-67, 2022. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1664162
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Data Integrity Error Localization in Networked Systems with Missing Data. Xin, Y.; Fu, S.; Mandal, A.; Tanaka, R.; Rynge, M.; Vahi, K.; and Deelman, E. In ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, pages 341-346, 2022. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1839900
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Accelerating Scientific Workflows on HPC Platforms with In Situ Processing. Do, T. M. A.; Pottier, L.; Yildiz, O.; Vahi, K.; Krawczuk, P.; Peterka, T.; and Deelman, E. In 2022 IEEE/ACM 22nd International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid), pages 1–10, 2022. IEEE Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1664162, DOE DE-AC02-06CH11357, DE-AC02-05CH11231, DE-SC0012636 and DE-SC0022328
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  2021 (9)
Serverless Containers – Rising Viable Approach to Scientific Workflows. Burkat, K.; Pawlik, M.; Balis, B.; Malawski, M.; Vahi, K.; Rynge, M.; da Silva, R. F.; and Deelman, E. In 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on eScience (eScience), pages 40-49, 2021.
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A Case Study in Scientific Reproducibility from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). Ketron, R.; Leonard, J.; Roachell, B.; Patel, R.; White, R.; Caíno-Lores, S.; Tan, N.; Miles, P.; Vahi, K.; Deelman, E.; Brown, D.; and Taufer, M. In 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on eScience (eScience), pages 249-250, 2021. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 2041977, 2041901, 2041878
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Root Cause Analysis of Data Integrity Errors in Networked Systems with Incomplete Information. Xin, Y.; Fu, S.; Mandal, A.; Baldin, I.; Tanaka, R.; Rynge, M.; Vahi, K.; Deelman, E.; Abhinit, I.; and Von, W. In 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), pages 735-740, 2021.
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Reproducing GW150914: the first observation of gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger. Brown, D.; Vahi, K.; Taufer, M.; Welch, V.; and Deelman, E. Computing in Science & Engineering. 2021. Funding Acknowledgment: NSF 1664162, NSF 1823405
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Blueprint: Cyberinfrastructure Center of Excellence. Deelman, E.; Mandal, A.; Murillo, A. P.; Nabrzyski, J.; Pascucci, V.; Ricci, R.; Baldin, I.; Sons, S.; Christopherson, L.; Vardeman, C.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Wyngaard, J.; Petruzza, S.; Rynge, M.; Vahi, K.; Whitcup, W. R.; Drake, J.; and Scott, E. Zenodo. 2021.
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Workflows Community Summit: Advancing the State-of-the-art of Scientific Workflows Management Systems Research and Development. Ferreira da Silva, R.; Casanova, H.; Chard, K.; Coleman, T.; Laney, D.; Ahn, D.; Jha, S.; Howell, D.; Soiland-Reys, S.; Altintas, I.; Thain, D.; Filgueira, R.; Babuji, Y.; Badia, R. M.; Balis, B.; Caino-Lores, S.; Callaghan, S.; Coppens, F.; Crusoe, M. R.; De, K.; Di Natale, F.; Do, T. M. A.; Enders, B.; Fahringer, T.; Fouilloux, A.; Fursin, G.; Gaignard, A.; Ganose, A.; Garijo, D.; Gesing, S.; Goble, C.; Hasan, A.; Huber, S.; Katz, D. S.; Leser, U.; Lowe, D.; Ludaescher, B.; Maheshwari, K.; Malawski, M.; Mayani, R.; Mehta, K.; Merzky, A.; Munson, T.; Ozik, J.; Pottier, L.; Ristov, S.; Roozmeh, M.; Souza, R.; Suter, F.; Tovar, B.; Turilli, M.; Vahi, K.; Vidal-Torreira, A.; Whitcup, W.; Wilde, M.; Williams, A.; Wolf, M.; and Wozniak, J. June 2021.
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Workflows Community Summit: Bringing the Scientific Workflows Community Together. Ferreira da Silva, R.; Casanova, H.; Chard, K.; Laney, D.; Ahn, D.; Jha, S.; Goble, C.; Ramakrishnan, L.; eerson , L.; Enders, B.; Thain, D.; Altintas, I.; Babuji, Y.; Badia, R.; Bonazzi, V.; Coleman, T.; Crusoe, M.; Deelman, E.; Di Natale, F.; Di Tommaso, P.; Fahringer, T.; Filgueira, R.; Fursin, G.; Ganose, A.; Gruning, B.; Katz, D. S.; Kuchar, O.; Kupresanin, A.; Ludascher, B.; Maheshwari, K.; Mattoso, M.; Mehta, K.; Munson, T.; Ozik, J.; Peterka, T.; Pottier, L.; Randles, T.; Soiland-Reyes, S.; Tovar, B.; Turilli, M.; Uram, T.; Vahi, K.; Wilde, M.; Wolf, M.; and Wozniak, J. March 2021.
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End-to-End Online Performance Data Capture and Analysis for Scientific Workflows. Papadimitriou, G.; Wang, C.; Vahi, K.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Mandal, A.; Zhengchun, L.; Mayani, R.; Rynge, M.; Kiran, M.; Lynch, V. E.; Kettimuthu, R.; Deelman, E.; Vetter, J. S.; and Foster, I. Future Generation Computer Systems, 117: 387-400. 2021. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE DE-SC0012636
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The Pegasus Workflow Management System: Translational Computer Science in Practice. Deelman, E.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Vahi, K.; Rynge, M.; Mayani, R.; Tanaka, R.; Whitcup, W.; and Livny, M. Journal of Computational Science, 52: 101200. 2021. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1664162
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  2020 (2)
Workflow Submit Nodes as a Service on Leadership Class Systems. Papadimitriou, G.; Vahi, K.; Kincl, J.; Anantharaj, V.; Deelman, E.; and Wells, J. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, of PEARC '20, New York, NY, USA, 2020. Association for Computing Machinery Funding Acknowledgments: DOE DESC0012636
Workflow Submit Nodes as a Service on Leadership Class Systems [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex  
Gearing the DECam Analysis Pipeline for Multi-Messenger Astronomy Using Pegasus Workflows. Vahi, K.; Goldstein, D.; Papadimitriou, G.; Nugent, P.; and Deelman, E. In Pizzo, R.; Deul, E.; Mol, J.; de Plaa , J.; and Verkouter, H., editor(s), Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIX, volume 527, of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, pages 631, January 2020. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1664162, DOE DESC0012636
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  2019 (10)
Applicability Study of the PRIMAD Model to LIGO Gravitational Wave Search Workflows. Chapp, D.; Rorabaugh, D.; Brown, D. A.; Deelman, E.; Vahi, K.; Welch, V.; and Taufer, M. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Practical Reproducible Evaluation of Computer Systems (P-RECS'19), pages 1–6, 2019.
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Exploration of Workflow Management Systems Emerging Features from Users Perspectives. Mitchell, R.; Pottier, L.; Jacobs, S.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Rynge, M.; Vahi, K.; and Deelman, E. In First International Workshop on Big Data Tools, Methods, and Use Cases for Innovative Scientific Discovery (BTSD), pages 4537–4544, 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1842042
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Cyberinfrastructure Center of Excellence Pilot: Connecting Large Facilities Cyberinfrastructure. Deelman, E.; Mandal, A.; Pascucci, V.; Sons, S.; Wyngaard, J.; Vardeman II, C. F; Petruzza, S.; Baldin, I.; Christopherson, L.; Mitchell, R.; Pottier, L.; Rynge, M.; Scott, E.; Vahi, K.; Kogank, M.; Mann, J. A; Gulbransen, T.; Allen, D.; Barlow, D.; Bonarrigo, S.; Clark, C.; Goldman, L.; Goulden, T.; Harvey, P.; Hulsander, D.; Jacob, S.; Laney, C.; Lobo-Padilla, I.; Sampson, J.; Staarmann, J.; and Stone, S. In 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience), 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1842042
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Custom Execution Environments with Containers in Pegasus-enabled Scientific Workflows. Vahi, K.; Rynge, M.; Papadimitriou, G.; Brown, D.; Mayani, R.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Deelman, E.; Mandal, A.; Lyons, E.; and Zink, M. In 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience), pages 281–290, 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1664162, NSF 1826997, NSF 1443047
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Integrity Protection for Scientific Workflow Data: Motivation and Initial Experiences. Rynge, M.; Vahi, K.; Deelman, E.; Mandal, A.; Baldin, I.; Bhide, O.; Heiland, R.; Welch, V.; Hill, R.; Poehlman, W. L.; and Feltus, F. A. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (Learning), of PEARC '19, pages 17:1–17:8, New York, NY, USA, 2019. ACM Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1642070, NSF 1642053, NSF 1642090. Best Paper in Advanced Research Computing Software and Applications Track. The Phil Andrews Most Transformative Contribution Award.
Integrity Protection for Scientific Workflow Data: Motivation and Initial Experiences [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex  
Genetic analyses of diverse populations improves discovery for complex traits. Wojcik, G. L; Graff, M.; Nishimura, K. K; Tao, R.; Haessler, J.; Gignoux, C. R; Highland, H. M; Patel, Y. M; Sorokin, E. P; Avery, C. L; Belbin, G. M.; Bien, S. A.; Cheng, I.; Cullina, S.; Hodonsky, C. J.; Hu, Y.; Huckins, L. M.; Jeff, J.; Justice, A. E.; Kocarnik, J. M.; Lim, U.; Lin, B. M.; Lu, Y.; Nelson, S. C.; Park, S. L.; Poisner, H.; Preuss, M. H.; Richard, M. A.; Schurmann, C.; Setiawan, V. W.; Sockell, A.; Vahi, K.; Verbanck, M.; Vishnu, A.; Walker, R. W.; Young, K. L.; Zubair, N.; Acuña-Alonso, V.; Ambite, J. L.; Barnes, K. C.; Boerwinkle, E.; Bottinger, E. P.; Bustamante, C. D.; Caberto, C.; Canizales-Quinteros, S.; Conomos, M. P.; Deelman, E.; Do, R.; Doheny, K.; Fernández-Rhodes, L.; Fornage, M.; Hailu, B.; Heiss, G.; Henn, B. M.; Hindorff, L. A.; Jackson, R. D.; Laurie, C. A.; Laurie, C. C.; Li, Y.; Lin, D.; Moreno-Estrada, A.; Nadkarni, G.; Norman, P. J.; Pooler, L. C.; Reiner, A. P.; Romm, J.; Sabatti, C.; Sandoval, K.; Sheng, X.; Stahl, E. A.; Stram, D. O.; Thornton, T. A.; Wassel, C. L.; Wilkens, L. R.; Winkler, C. A.; Yoneyama, S.; Buyske, S.; Haiman, C. A.; Kooperberg, C.; Marchand, L.; Loos, R. J. F.; Matise, T. C.; North, K. E.; Peters, U.; Kenny, E. E.; and Carlson, C. S. Nature, 570: 514–518. 2019.
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The Evolution of the Pegasus Workflow Management Software. Deelman, E.; Vahi, K.; Rynge, M.; Mayani, R.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Papadimitriou, G.; and Livny, M. Computing in Science Engineering, 21(4): 22–36. 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1664162, NSF 1148515, DOE DESC0012636, NSF 1642053
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A Secure Gateway for Enabling ASIC Design Collaborations. Bogol, S.; Brenner, P.; Brinckman, A.; Deelman, E.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Gupta, S.; Nabrzyski, J.; Park, S.; Perez, D.; Rynge, M.; Taylor, I.; Vahi, K.; Werf, M. V.; Sarah, R.; and Wyngaard, S. In 11th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2019), 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: DARPA HR0011-16-C-0043
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Workflows using Pegasus: Enabling Dark Energy Survey Pipelines. Vahi, K.; Wang, M. H.; Chang, C.; Dodelson, S.; Rynge, M.; and Deelman, E. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVIII, 523: 689–692. 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1664162
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Collaborative Circuit Designs using the CRAFT Repository. Brinckman, A.; Deelman, E.; Gupta, S.; Nabrzyski, J.; Park, S.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Taylor, I. J.; and Vahi, K. Future Generation Computer Systems, 94: 841–853. 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: DARPA HR0011-16-C-0043
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  2018 (5)
Combating Workflow Failures with Integrity-based Checkpoints and Blockchain. Bhide, O.; Hill, R.; Vahi, K.; Rynge, M.; and Velch, V. In 6th International Workshop on Distributed Storage and Blockchain Technologies for Big Data, 2018. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1642070, 1642053, and 1642090
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Enabling Data Analytics Workflows using Node-Local Storage. Do, T. M. A.; Jiang, M.; Gallagher, B.; Chu, A.; Harrison, C.; Vahi, K.; and Deelman, E. In The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC18), Poster, 2018. Funding Acknowledgments: LLNL-ABS-755833 DE-AC52-07NA27344, NSF 1741040
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CyberShake Models of Seismic Hazards in Southern and Central California. Jordan, T. H.; Callaghan, S.; Graves, R. W.; Wang, F.; Milner, K. R.; Goulet, C. A.; Maechling, P. J.; Olsen, K. B.; Cui, Y.; Juve, G.; Vahi, K.; Yu, J.; Deelman, E.; and Gill, D. Seismological Research Letters, 89(2B): 875–876. 2018.
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CyberShake Models of Seismic Hazards in Southern and Central California. Jordan, T. H.; Callaghan, S.; Graves, R. W.; Wang, F.; Milner, K. R.; Goulet, C. A.; Maechling, P. J.; Olsen, K. B.; Cui, Y.; Juve, G.; Vahi, K.; Yu, J.; Deelman, E.; and Gill, D. In 11th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, 2018.
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Event-Based Triggering and Management of Scientific Workflow Ensembles. Pandey, S.; Vahi, K.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Deelman, E.; Jian, M.; Harrison, C.; Chu, A.; and Casanova, H. 2018. Poster presented at the HPC Asia 2018: Tokyo, Japan
Event-Based Triggering and Management of Scientific Workflow Ensembles [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2017 (2)
rvGAHP - Push-based Job Submission using Reverse SSH Connections. Callaghan, S.; Juve, G.; Vahi, K.; Maechling, P. J.; Jordan, T. H.; and Deelman, E. In 12th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS'17), 2017. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1664162 and 1443047
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Accelerating Circuit Realization via a Collaborative Gateway of Innovations. Taylor, I. J.; Brinckman, A.; Deelman, E.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Gupta, S.; Nabrzyski, J.; Park, S.; and Vahi, K. In 9th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2017), 2017. Funding Acknowledgments: DARPA HR0011-16-C-0043
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  2016 (3)
Automating Environmental Computing Applications with Scientific Workflows. Ferreira da Silva, R.; Deelman, E.; Filgueira, R.; Vahi, K.; Rynge, M.; Mayani, R.; and Mayer, B. In Environmental Computing Workshop (ECW'16), IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Science, pages 400–406, 2016. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE DESC0012636, NSF ACI SI2-SSI 1148515
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Science Automation in Practice: Performance Data Farming in Workflows. Krol, D.; Kitowski, J.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Juve, G.; Vahi, K.; Rynge, M.; and Deelman, E. In 21st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2016. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE DE-SC0012636
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Pegasus in the Cloud: Science Automation through Workflow Technologies. Deelman, E.; Vahi, K.; Rynge, M.; Juve, G.; Mayani, R.; and Ferreira da Silva, R. IEEE Internet Computing, 20(1): 70–76. 2016. Funding Acknowledgements: NSF ACI SI2-SSI 1148515, NSF ACI 1245926, NSF FutureGrid 0910812, NHGRI 1U01 HG006531-01
Pegasus in the Cloud: Science Automation through Workflow Technologies [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex  
  2015 (1)
Pegasus: a Workflow Management System for Science Automation. Deelman, E.; Vahi, K.; Juve, G.; Rynge, M.; Callaghan, S.; Maechling, P. J; Mayani, R.; Chen, W.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Livny, M.; and Wenger, K. Future Generation Computer Systems, 46: 17–35. 2015. Funding Acknowledgements: NSF ACI SDCI 0722019, NSF ACI SI2-SSI 1148515 and NSF OCI-1053575
Pegasus: a Workflow Management System for Science Automation [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex  
  2014 (3)
HUBzero and Pegasus: integrating scientific workflows into science gateways. McLennan, M.; Clark, S.; Deelman, E.; Rynge, M.; Vahi, K.; McKenna, F.; Kearney, D.; and Song, C. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 2014. Funding Acknowledgements: OCI SI2-SSI program grant #1148515, OCI SDCI program grant #0722019
HUBzero and Pegasus: integrating scientific workflows into science gateways [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex  
A Cleanup Algorithm for Implementing Storage Constraints in Scientific Workflow Executions. Srinivasan, S.; Juve, G.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Vahi, K.; and Deelman, E. In 9th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), 2014. Funding Acknowledgements: OCI SI2-SSI program grant #1148515
A Cleanup Algorithm for Implementing Storage Constraints in Scientific Workflow Executions [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex  
Community Resources for Enabling Research in Distributed Scientific Workflows. Ferreira da Silva, R.; Chen, W.; Juve, G.; Vahi, K.; and Deelman, E. In 10th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (eScience 2014), 2014. Funding Acknowledgements: OCI SI2-SSI program grant #1148515, DOE contract for dv/dt ER26110
Community Resources for Enabling Research in Distributed Scientific Workflows [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex  
  2013 (4)
Rethinking Data Management for Big Data Scientific Workflows. Vahi, K.; Rynge, M.; Juve, G.; Mayani, R.; and Deelman, E. In Workshop on Big Data and Science: Infrastructure and Services, 2013. Funding Acknowledgments: OCI SDCI program grant #0722019 and OCI SI2-SSI program grant #1148515
Rethinking Data Management for Big Data Scientific Workflows [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Bringing Scientific Workflow to the Masses via Pegasus and HUBzero. McLennan, M.; Clark, S.; McKenna, F.; Deelman, E.; Rynge, M.; Vahi, K.; Kearney, D.; and Song, C. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Science Gateways, 2013. Funding Acknowledgements: NSF grants CBET-0941302, CMMI-0927178, OCI-1148515, and OCI-0943705
Bringing Scientific Workflow to the Masses via Pegasus and HUBzero [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
A Case Study into Using Common Real-Time Workflow Monitoring Infrastructure for Scientific Workflows. Vahi, K.; Harvey, I.; Samak, T.; Gunter, D.; Evans, K.; Rogers, D.; Taylor, I.; Goode, M.; Silva, F.; Al-Shakarchi, E.; Mehta, G.; and andrew Jones, E. D. Journal of Grid Computing, 11(3): 381-406. 2013. Funding Acknowledgements: NSF grant OCI-0943705
A Case Study into Using Common Real-Time Workflow Monitoring Infrastructure for Scientific Workflows [link]Paper   link   bibtex  
Characterizing and Profiling Scientific Workflows. Juve, G.; Chervenak, A.; Deelman, E.; Bharathi, S.; Mehta, G.; and Vahi, K. Future Generation Computer Systems, 29(3): 682-692. March 2013.
Characterizing and Profiling Scientific Workflows [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2012 (2)
A General Approach to Real-time Workflow Monitoring. Vahi, K.; Harvey, I.; Samak, T.; Gunter, D.; Evans, K.; Rogers, D.; Taylor, I.; Goode, M.; Silva, F.; Al-Shakarchi, E.; andrew Jones, G. M.; and Deelman, E. In The 7th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS12), 2012. Funding Acknowledgement: NSF OCI-0943705)
A General Approach to Real-time Workflow Monitoring [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Enabling Large-scale Scientific Workflows on Petascale Resources Using MPI Master/Worker. Rynge, M.; Juve, G.; Vahi, K.; Callaghan, S.; Mehta, G.; Maechling, P. J.; and Deelman, E. In XSEDE12, 2012. Funding acknowledgements: NSF OCI-0722019, NSF OCI-0943725, NSF EAR-0529922, USGS 07HQAG0008, NSF OCI-1053575
Enabling Large-scale Scientific Workflows on Petascale Resources Using MPI Master/Worker [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2011 (4)
Failure Prediction and Localization in Large Scientific Workflows. Samak, T.; Gunter, D.; Goode, M.; Deelman, E.; Mehta, G.; Silva, F.; and Vahi, K. In 6th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS 11), 2011.
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Online Workflow Management and Performance Analysis with Stampede. Gunter, D.; Deelman, E.; Samak, T.; Brooks, C.; Goode, M.; Juve, G.; Mehta, G.; Moraes, P.; Silva, F.; Swany, M.; and Vahi, K. In 7th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM-2011), 2011.
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Online Fault and Anomaly Detection for Large-Scale Scientific Workflows. Samak, T.; Gunter, D.; Deelman, E.; Juve, G.; Mehta, G.; Silva, F.; and Vahi, K. In 13th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2011), 2011. Funding Acknowledgements: DOE DE-AC02-05CH11231, and NSF OCI-0943705
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Metrics for Heterogeneous Scientific Workflows: A Case Study of an Earthquake Science Application. Callaghan, S.; Maechling, P.; Small, P.; Milner, K.; Juve, G.; Jordan, T. H.; Deelman, E.; Mehta, G.; Vahi, K.; Gunter, D.; and Beattie, K. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 25(3): 274-285. August 2011. Funding Acknowledgements: TeraGrid TG-MCA03S012, NSF OCI-0722019, NSF OCI-0749313, NSF EAR-0106924 and USGS 02HQAG0008)
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  2010 (5)
CyberShake: A Physics-Based Seismic Hazard Model for Southern California. Graves, R.; Jordan, T.; Callaghan, S.; Deelman, E.; Field, E.; Juve, G.; Kesselman, C.; Maechling, P.; Mehta, G.; Milner, K.; Okaya, D.; Small, P.; and Vahi, K. Pure and Applied Geophysics. May 2010. Funding Acknowledgements: NSF OCI-0438712, NSF CCF-0725332
CyberShake: A Physics-Based Seismic Hazard Model for Southern California [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Experiences with Resource Provisioning for Scientific Workflows Using Corral. Juve, G.; Deelman, E.; Vahi, K.; and Mehta, G. Scientific Programming, 18(2): 77-92. April 2010. Funding Acknowledgements: NSF OCI-0943725 and NSF OCI-0749313
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Data Sharing Options for Scientific Workflows on Amazon EC2. Juve, G.; Deelman, E.; Vahi, K.; Mehta, G.; Berriman, B.; Berman, B. P.; and Maechling, P. J. In 22nd IEEE/ACM Conference on Supercomputing (SC10), 2010. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF CCF-0725332, NSF OCI-0722019, and NASA NCC5-626
Data Sharing Options for Scientific Workflows on Amazon EC2 [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Scaling up Workflow-based Applications. Callaghan, S.; Deelman, E.; Gunter, D.; Juve, G.; Maechling, P.; Brooks, C.; Vahi, K.; Milner, K.; Graves, R.; Field, E.; Okaya, D.; and Jordan, T. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 76(6): 428-446. September 2010. Funding Acknowledgements: TeraGrid TG-MCA03S012, NSF OCI-0722019, and NSF OCI-0749313
Scaling up Workflow-based Applications [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Parameterized Specification, Configuration and Execution of Data-intensive Scientific Workflows. Kumar, V. S.; Kurc, T.; Ratnakar, V.; Kim, J.; Mehta, G.; Vahi, K.; Nelson, Y. L.; Sadayappan, P.; Deelman, E.; Gil, Y.; Hall, M.; and Saltz, J. Cluster Computing Journal, 13(3): 315-333. 2010.
Parameterized Specification, Configuration and Execution of Data-intensive Scientific Workflows [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2009 (2)
Scientific Workflow Applications on Amazon EC2. Juve, G.; Deelman, E.; Vahi, K.; Mehta, G.; Berriman, B.; Berman, B. P.; and Maechling, P. J. In Workshop on Cloud-based Services and Applications, 2009.
Scientific Workflow Applications on Amazon EC2 [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
An Integrated Framework for Performance-based Optimization of Scientific Workflows. Kumar, V. S.; Sadayappan, P.; Mehta, G.; Vahi, K.; Deelman, E.; Ratnakar, V.; Kim, J.; Gil, Y.; Hall, M. W.; Kurç, T. M.; and Saltz, J. H. In Conference on High Performance and Distributed Computing (HPDC), 2009.
An Integrated Framework for Performance-based Optimization of Scientific Workflows [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2008 (4)
Reducing Time-to-Solution Using Distributed High-Throughput Mega-Workflows - Experiences from SCEC CyberShake. Callaghan, S.; Maechling, P.; Deelman, E.; Vahi, K.; Mehta, G.; Juve, G.; Milner, K.; Graves, R.; Field, E.; Okaya, D.; Gunter, D.; Beattie, K.; and Jordan, T. In Fourth IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-Science 2008), 2008.
Reducing Time-to-Solution Using Distributed High-Throughput Mega-Workflows - Experiences from SCEC CyberShake [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Characterization of Scientific Workflows. Bharathi, S.; Chervenak, A.; Deelman, E.; Mehta, G.; Su, M.; and Vahi, K. In 3rd Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS08), 2008.
Characterization of Scientific Workflows [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Provenance: The Bridge Between Experiments and Data. Miles, S.; Groth, P.; Deelman, E.; Vahi, K.; Mehta, G.; and Moreau, L. Computing in Science and Engineering, 10(3): 38-46. May 2008.
Provenance: The Bridge Between Experiments and Data [link]Paper   link   bibtex  
Workflow Task Clustering for Best Effort Systems with Pegasus. Singh, G.; Su, M.; Vahi, K.; Deelman, E.; Berriman, B.; Good, J.; Katz, D. S.; and Mehta, G. In Mardi Gras Conference, 2008.
Workflow Task Clustering for Best Effort Systems with Pegasus [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2007 (7)
. Deelman, E.; Mehta, G.; Singh, G.; Su, M.; and Vahi, K. Pegasus: Mapping Large-Scale Workflows to Distributed Resources. 2007.
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. Maechling, P.; Deelman, E.; Zhao, L.; Graves, R.; Mehta, G.; Gupta, N.; Mehringer, J.; Kesselman, C.; Callaghan, S.; Okaya, D.; Francoeur, H.; Gupta, V.; Cui, Y.; Vahi, K.; Jordan, T.; and Field, E. SCEC CyberShake Workflows: Automating Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Calculations. 2007.
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Connecting Scientific Data to Scientific Experiments with Provenance. Miles, S.; Deelman, E.; Groth, P.; Vahi, K.; Mehta, G.; and Moreau, L. In Third IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science 2007), 2007.
Connecting Scientific Data to Scientific Experiments with Provenance [link]Paper   link   bibtex  
Data Placement for Scientific Applications in Distributed Environments. Chervenak, A.; Deelman, E.; Livny, M.; Su, M.; Schuler, R.; Bharathi, S.; Mehta, G.; and Vahi, K. In Proceedings of Grid Conference 2007, 2007.
Data Placement for Scientific Applications in Distributed Environments [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Optimizing Workflow Data Footprint. Singh, G.; Vahi, K.; Ramakrishnan, A.; Mehta, G.; Deelman, E.; Zhao, H.; Sakellariou, R.; Blackburn, K.; Brown, D.; Fairhurst, S.; Meyers, D.; and Berriman, G. B. Special issue of the Scientific Programming Journal dedicated to Dynamic Computational Workflows: Discovery, Optimisation and Scheduling. 2007.
Optimizing Workflow Data Footprint [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Integrating Existing Scientific Workflow Systems: The Kepler/Pegasus Example. Mandal, N.; Deelman, E.; Mehta, G.; Su, M.; and Vahi, K. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS07), 2007.
Integrating Existing Scientific Workflow Systems: The Kepler/Pegasus Example [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Scheduling Data-Intensive Workflows onto Storage-Constrained Distributed Resources. Ramakrishnan, A.; Singh, G.; Zhao, H.; Deelman, E.; Sakellariou, R.; Vahi, K.; Blackburn, K.; Meyers, D.; and Samidi, M. In Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid), 2007.
Scheduling Data-Intensive Workflows onto Storage-Constrained Distributed Resources [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2006 (2)
Managing Large-Scale Workflow Execution from Resource Provisioning to Provenance tracking: The CyberShake Example. Deelman, E.; Callaghan, S.; Field, E.; Francoeur, H.; Graves, R.; Gupta, N.; Gupta, V.; Jordan, T. H.; Kesselman, C.; Maechling, P.; Mehringer, J.; Mehta, G.; Okaya, D.; Vahi, K.; and Zhao, L. In e-Science 2006, 2006. Best paper award
Managing Large-Scale Workflow Execution from Resource Provisioning to Provenance tracking: The CyberShake Example [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Automating Climate Science: Large Ensemble Simulations on the TeraGrid with the GriPhyN Virtual Data System. Nefedova, V.; Jacob, R.; Foster, I.; Liu, Z.; Liu, Y.; Deelman, E.; Mehta, G.; Su, M.; and Vahi, K. In e-Science 2006, 2006.
Automating Climate Science: Large Ensemble Simulations on the TeraGrid with the GriPhyN Virtual Data System [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2005 (4)
Pegasus: a Framework for Mapping Complex Scientific Workflows onto Distributed Systems. Deelman, E.; Singh, G.; Su, M.; Blythe, J.; Gil, Y.; Kesselman, C.; Mehta, G.; Vahi, K.; Berriman, G. B.; Good, J.; Laity, A.; Jacob, J. C.; and Katz, D. S. Scientific Programming Journal, 13(3): 219-237. 2005.
Pegasus: a Framework for Mapping Complex Scientific Workflows onto Distributed Systems [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Simplifying construction of complex workflows for non-expert users of the Southern California Earthquake Center Community Modeling Environment. Maechling, P.; Chalupsky, H.; Dougherty, M.; Deelman, E.; Gil, Y.; Gullapalli, S.; Gupta, V.; Kesselman, C.; Kim, J.; Mehta, G.; Mendenhall, B.; Russ, T. A.; Singh, G.; Spraragen, M.; Staples, G.; and Vahi, K. SIGMOD Record, 34(3): 24-30. 2005.
Simplifying construction of complex workflows for non-expert users of the Southern California Earthquake Center Community Modeling Environment [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Task Scheduling Strategies for Workflow-based Applications in Grids. Blythe, J.; Jain, S.; Deelman, E.; Gil, Y.; Vahi, K.; Mandal, A.; and Kennedy, K. In CCGrid 2005, 2005.
Task Scheduling Strategies for Workflow-based Applications in Grids [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
The Pegasus Portal: Web Based Grid Computing. Singh, G.; Deelman, E.; Mehta, G.; Vahi, K.; Su, M.; Berriman, G. B.; Good, J.; Jacob, J. C.; Katz, D. S.; Lazzarini, A.; Blackburn, K.; and Koranda, S. In The 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2005.
The Pegasus Portal: Web Based Grid Computing [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2004 (1)
Pegasus: Mapping Scientific Workflows onto the Grid. Deelman, E.; Blythe, J.; Gil, Y.; Kesselman, C.; Mehta, G.; Patil, S.; Su, M.; Vahi, K.; and Livny, M. In Across Grids Conference, 2004.
Pegasus: Mapping Scientific Workflows onto the Grid [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2003 (4)
Pegasus and the Pulsar Search: From Metadata to Execution on the Grid. Deelman, E.; Blythe, J.; Gil, Y.; Kesselman, C.; Koranda, S.; Lazzarini, A.; Mehta, G.; Papa, M. A.; and Vahi, K. In Applications Grid Workshop, PPAM 2003, 2003.
Pegasus and the Pulsar Search: From Metadata to Execution on the Grid [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
Mapping Abstract Complex Workflows onto Grid Environments. Deelman, E.; Blythe, J.; Gil, Y.; Kesselman, C.; Mehta, G.; Vahi, K.; Blackburn, K.; Lazzarini, A.; Arbree, A.; Cavanaugh, R.; and Koranda, S. Journal of Grid Computing, 1(1): 25-39. 2003.
Mapping Abstract Complex Workflows onto Grid Environments [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
The Role of Planning in Grid Computing. Blythe, J.; Deelman, E.; Gil, Y.; Kesselman, C.; Agarwal, A.; Mehta, G.; and Vahi, K. In ICAPS, 2003.
The Role of Planning in Grid Computing [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads  
From Metadata to Execution on the Grid Pegasus and the Pulsar Search. Deelman, E.; Blythe, J.; Gil, Y.; Kesselman, C.; Mehta, G.; Vahi, K.; Koranda, S.; Lazzarini, A.; and Papa, M. A. Technical Report Technical Report 2003-15, GriPhyN, 2003.
From Metadata to Execution on the Grid Pegasus and the Pulsar Search [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   4 downloads