I do take on students both for all of these positions. To apply, follow the link that I post prior to each semester on my X (Twiiter) feed. The decisions about these positions will be made at the beginning of the each semester and in the spring for summer.
Yes, we do have openings in the Center on Knowledge Graphs for both post-docs and full-time researchers. You can apply here: https://www.isi.edu/technology_groups/insy/joining_us/researchers. We review applications for positions twice a year.
I do take undergraduates to do summer internships, but I only take them through either the ISI summer internship program: https://www.isi.edu/join_us/summer_internships/ or the the USC Viterbi Internship Programs: https://viterbischool.usc.edu/globalization/viterbi-sure/ for domestic students and https://viterbischool.usc.edu/globalization/sure-international-students/ for international students. If you are eligible, please apply through one of those programs and indicate you are interested in working with me. I don’t handle undergraduate applications directly.
I’m always looking for strong students to join my group. To apply, the first step is to apply to the USC Ph.D. program in computer science. Make sure you list me as one of the faculty members you are interested in working with on the web site and this will ensure that I see your application after it is reviewed by the admissions committee. I will not be able to review your CV in advance of applying to the program to tell you whether you should apply.
Yes, USC does have a scholarship program for the master’s degrees. You can find the details on this page: https://viterbigradadmission.usc.edu/programs/masters/tuition-funding/gradscholarships/.