Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
M.S., Computer Engineering, University of Kansas
B.S., Computer Engineering, University of Kansas
Andrew Schmidt is a Computer Scientist at ISI and is working in the Reconfigurable Computing Group.
He has expertise in reconfigurable computing & FPGAs, computer architecture, high performance computing (HPC), and embedded systems, with focuses in Trust and Security.
His current research includes the following topics: Hardware/software co-design programming models and their integration with network-on-chips and multiple processor systems. Resilient High Performance Reconfigurable computing tools and techniques. A sophisticated hardware performance monitoring infrastructure for runtime analysis of system-on-chip designs. Investigating efficient utilization of heterogeneous resources through static analysis and runtime performance monitoring. Fault tolerance and trusted computing.
His work includes the development and maintenance of Redsharc research at ISI:
The REconfigurable Data-Stream Hardware Software ARChitecture (Redsharc) is a programming model and network-on-a-chip solution designed to scale to meet the performance needs of multi-core systems on a programmable chip. Redsharc uses an abstract API that allows programmers to develop systems of simultaneously executing kernels, in software or hardware, that communicate over a seamless interface. The work has resulted in a Best Paper award at the International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig) 2010, two journal papers, five conference papers with oral presentations, and two poster presentations.
Andrew has worked on several DARPA, IARPA, AFRL, ARL, NASA, and other government funded projects in the areas of Reconfigurable Computing, Trust and Reliability, Networking, Security, Fault Tolerance, and Space-based Computing. He has extensive research experience and involvement in DARPA's Trusted Integrated Circuits (TRUST) program and the follow-on Integrity and Reliability of Integrated Circuits (IRIS) program in both the front-end design and implementation of complex system-on-chip and trust circuit design and analysis for both ASIC and FPGA circuits. His work in these areas extends into Autonomous On-board Processing for Space-based Systems with NASA, including resiliency, reliability and fault tolerance techniques to support mission goals for performance and run-time operations.
He has co-authored a textbook in the area of Embedded Systems and Reconfigurable Computing:
Ron Sass and Andrew Schmidt. Embedded Systems Design with Platform FPGAs: Principles & Practices. Morgan-Kaufmann, an imprint of Elsevier, 2010.