If you are interested in network security and are looking for an advisor, or just want to work on some projects in this area, send me an E-mail. I am always looking for new students (although I may not always have funding available right away) and I'll be happy to chat with you and give you an overview of the current research in my lab. However, I won't have time to personally teach you about network security. Unless you have a strong background in this area, I recommend taking a network security class at USC, or asking me for a list of books and papers to read. I will expect that you have a strong background in networking, know basics of cryptographic protocols used in networking, and have excellent coding skills. If you lack in one of these areas, improve before you talk to me in person. I will be happy to recommend courses and books you can use to improve if you send me an E-mail.


Being a grad student, I have discovered that there are quite a few things that go unsaid between students and their advisors, such as: how long can a student take a vacation, what if they still want to be paid, how to get feedback on your performance, what if funding runs out or the advisor can't pay you any longer, what does your advisor expect from you, etc. So below, you have my views on these points. I will do my best to stick to them as much as possible (or change the writeup on the webpage:)).

When I was just starting my graduate studies I had no idea how a grad school works: when to work and how much, how to write papers, how to choose the Ph.D. topic, how to find an advisor, etc. It took me four years to finally find answers to all of my questions, mostly through trial and error. So here is the compiled version of those answers. Hopefully you are not like me, and can learn from other people's mistakes, so these guidelines will actually be useful. Of course, they are neither comprehensive nor universal. Simply some wisdom that worked for me and may work for you, too.