Jelena Mirkovic

USC Information Sciences Institute
4676 Admiralty Way ste 1001
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
E-mail: [email protected]


Principal Scientist
University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute
1/2013 - present
Research Associate Professor
University of Southern California
12/2017 - present
Research Assistant Professor
University of Southern California
8/2010 - 12/2017
Computer Scientist
University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute
8/2007 - 12/2012
Assistant Professor
Computer and Information Sciences Department, University of Delaware
9/2003 - 8/2007
Research Assistant
Computer Science Department, University of California Los Angeles
10/2000 - 8/2003
Center for Excellence in Engineering and Diversity, University of California Los Angeles
Teaching Assistant
Computer Science Department, University of California Los Angeles
10/1998 - 8/2000
Research Assistant
School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
9/1997 - 9/1998


University of California Los Angeles
Ph.D. in Computer Science 
(specializing in Network Security)
Thesis: D-WARD: Source-End DDoS Defense
Advisor: Prof. Peter Reiher
GPA: 3.84/4.00
University of California Los Angeles
M.S. in Computer Science

GPA: 3.82/4.00
School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
B.Sc. in Computer Science

GPA: 9.33/10.00



  1. John Wroclawski, Terry Benzel, Jim Blythe, Ted Faber, Alefiya Hussain, Jelena Mirkovic and Stephen Schwab, Chapter on "DETERLab and DETER project" in The GENI Book,
    Rick McGeer, Mark Berman, Chip Elliott and Robert Ricci, Springer, 2016.
  2. Chapter on "Collaborative DDoS Defenses" in Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, 2nd Edition
    Henk C.A. van Tilborg, Sushil Jajodia, Editors-in-Chief,
    Springer, 2011.
  3. Internet Denial of Service: Attack and Defense Mechanisms
    Jelena Mirkovic, Sven Dietrich, David Dittrich and Peter Reiher,
    Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN 0-13-147573-8, 2005.
  1. Defending Root DNS Servers Against DDoS Using Layered Defenses (extended)
    A S M Rizvi, Jelena Mirkovic, John Heidemann, Wesley Hardaker and Robert Story,
    Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Dec 2023, vol 151
  2. Perspectives on the SolarWinds Incident
    Sean Peisert, Bruce Schneier, Hamed Okhravi, Fabio Massacci, Terry Benzel, Carl Landwehr, Mohammad Mannan, Jelena Mirkovic, Atul Prakash and James Bret Michael
    IEEE Security & Privacy, volume 19, number 2, pp 7-13, 2021. (editorial)
  3. Using Episodic Memory for User Authentication
    Simon S. Woo, Ron Artstein, Elsi Kaiser, Xiao Le and Jelena Mirkovic,
    ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security, vol 22, issue 2, April 2019.
  4. Handling Anti-Virtual Machine Techniques in Malicious Software
    H. Shi and J. Mirkovic,
    ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security, vol 21, issue 1, 2018.
  5. Optimal application allocation on multiple public clouds
    S. Woo and J. Mirkovic,
    Elsevier Computer Networks, February 2014.
  6. Teaching Cybersecurity with DeterLab
    J. Mirkovic and T. Benzel.
    IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, January/February 2012, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 73-76. (invited paper).
  7. Comparative Evaluation of Spoofing Defenses
    J. Mirkovic and E. Kissel,
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, March-April 2011, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp 218-232.
  8. Tools for worm experimentation on the DETER testbed
    S.Wei, A. Hussain, J. Mirkovic and C. Ko,
    International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems (IJCNDS), 2010, Vol. 5, No. 1/2, pp. 151-171.
  9. Accurately Measuring Denial of Service in Simulation and Testbed Experiments
    J. Mirkovic, A. Hussain, S. Fahmy, P. Reiher and R. Thomas,
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 81-95, April-June 2009.
  10. Testing a Collaborative DDoS Defense in a Red Team/Blue Team Exercise
    J. Mirkovic, P. Reiher, C. Papadopoulos, A. Hussain, M. Shepard, M. Berg and R. Jung,
    IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 57, No. 8, pp 1098-1112, August 2008.
  11. Learning the valid incoming direction of IP packets
    J. Li, J. Mirkovic, T. Ehrenkranz, M. Wang, P. Reiher and L. Zhang,
    Computer Networks, Vol. 52, No. 2, February 2008, pp 399-417.
  12. D-WARD: A Source-End Defense Against Flooding Denial-of-Service Attacks
    J. Mirkovic and P. Reiher,
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Vol. 2, No. 3, July-September 2005, pp. 216-232.
Conferences and workshops
  1. Puppeteer: Leveraging a Large Language Model for Scambaiting, Pithayuth Charnsethikul, Jelena Mirkovic, Rishit Saiya, Jeffrey Liu, Benjamin Crotty, Genevieve Bartlett, Proceedings of HICSS, 2025.
  2. BinHunter: A Fine-Grained Graph Representation for Localizing  Vulnerabilities in Binary Executables, Sima Arasteh, Jelena Mirkovic, Mukund Raghothaman, Christophe Hauser, Proceedings of ACSAC, 2024.
  3. Defending Root DNS Servers Against DDoS Using Layered Defenses
    A S M Rizvi, Jelena Mirkovic, John Heidemann, Wesley Hardaker and Robert Story,
    Proceedings of IEEE COMSNETS 2023, Best paper award.
  4. Practical Intent-driven Routing Configuration Synthesis
    Sivaramakrishnan Ramanathan, Ying Zhang, Mohab Gawish, Yogesh Mundada, Zhaodong Wang, Sangki Yun, Eric Lippert, Walid Taha, Minlan Yu and Jelena Mirkovic, Proceedings of NSDI 2023 (acceptance rate 46/288=16%)
  5. Leader: Defense Against Exploit-Based Denial-of-Service Attacks on Web Applications
    Rajat Tandon, Haoda Wang, Nicolaas Weideman, Shushan Arakelyan, Genevieve Bartlett, Christophe Hauser, Jelena Mirkovic, Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2023) (acceptance rate 50/213=23%)
  6. Samba: Identifying Inappropriate Videos for Young Children on YouTube
    Le Binh, Rajat Tandon, Chingis Oinar, Jeffrey Liu, Uma Durairaj, Jiani Guo, Spencer Zahabizadeh, Sanjana Ilango, Jeremy Tang, Fred Morstatter, Simon Woo, and Jelena Mirkovic
    Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2022 (acceptance rate 274/1175 = 23.32%)
  7. Xatu: Boosting Existing DDoS Detection Systems Using Auxiliary Signals
    Zhiying Xu, Sivaramakrishnan Ramanathan, Alexander Ruth, Jelena Mirkovic and Minlan Yu
    Proceedings of CoNext, 2022. (acceptance rate 28/151=19%)
  8. AMON-SENSS: Scalable and Accurate Detection of Volumetric DDoS Attacks at ISPs
    Rajat Tandon, Pithayuth Charnsethikul, Michalis Kallitsis and Jelena Mirkovic
    Proceedings of Globecom, 2022.
  9. Toward Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable Cybersecurity Artifacts
    David Balenson, Terry Benzel, Eric Eide, David Emmerich, David Johnson, Jelena Mirkovic and Laura Tinnel
    Proceedings of Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET), 2022.
  10. Harm-DoS: Hash Algorithm Replacement for Mitigating Denial-of-Service Vulnerabilities in Binary Executables
    Nicolaas Weideman, Haoda Wang, Tyler Kann, Spencer Zahabizadeh, Wei-Cheng Wu, Rajat Tandon, Jelena Mirkovic and Christophe Hauser
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses (RAID), 2022. (acceptance rate 53/216=25%)
  11. I know what you did on Venmo: Discovering privacy leaks in mobile social payments
    Rajat Tandon, Pithayuth Charnsethikul, Ishank Arora, Dhiraj Murthy and Jelena Mirkovic
    Proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), 2022. (acceptance rate 53/216=24%)
  12. Polymorphic Malware Behavior Through Network Trace Analysis
    Xiyue Deng and Jelena Mirkovic
    Proceedings of 14th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), 2022.
  13. User Experiences on Network Testbeds
    Jelena Mirkovic and Portia Pusey
    Proceedings of 14th Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET), 2021.
  14. An Experimental Approach for Estimating Cyber Risk: a Proposal Building upon Cyber Ranges and Capture the Flags
    Giorgio Di Tizio, Fabio Massacci, Luca Allodi, Stanislav Dashevsky and Jelena Mirkovic
    Proceedings of IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW), 2020.
  15. Malware Behavior Through Network Trace Analysis
    Xiyue Deng and Jelena Mirkovic
    Proceedings of International Networking Conference (INC), 2020.
  16. Quantifying Cloud Misbehavior
    Rajat Tandon, Jelena Mirkovic, Pithayuth Charnsethikul
    Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet), 2020.
  17. Quantifying the Impact of Blocklisting in the Age of Address Reuse
    Sivaramakrishnan Ramanathan, Anushah Hossain, Jelena Mirkovic, Minlan Yu, Sadia Afroz
    Proceedings of Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 2020.
    (acceptance rate 53/216=24.5%)
  18. BLAG: Improving the Accuracy of Blacklists
    Sivaramakrishnan Ramanathan, Jelena Mirkovic and Minlan Yu,
    Proceedings of Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2020.
    (acceptance rate 88/506=17.4%)
  19. Using Terminal Histories to Monitor Student Progress on Hands-on Exercises
    Jelena Mirkovic, Aashray Aggarwal, David Weinman, Paul Lepe, Jens Mache and Richard Weiss,
    Proceedings of Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education Symposium (SIGCSE), 2020.
    (acceptance rate 31.4%)
  20. Measuring Student Learning On Network Testbeds
    Paul Lepe, Aashray Aggarwal, Jelena Mirkovic, Jens Mache, Richard Weiss and David Weinmann,
    Proceedings of the Midscale Education and Research Infrastructure and Tools (MERIT) Workshop, 2019.
  21. Defending Web Servers Against Flash Crowd Attacks
    Rajat Tandon, Abhinav Palia, Jaydeep Ramani, Brandon Paulsen, Genevieve Bartlett and Jelena Mirkovic,
    Proceedings of the Midscale Education and Research Infrastructure and Tools (MERIT) Workshop, 2019.
  22. SENSS Against Volumetric DDoS Attacks
    Sivaramakrishnan Ramanathan, Jelena Mirkovic, Minlan Yu and Ying Zhang
    Proceedings of 2018 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), 2018.
    (acceptance rate 60/299=20.1%)
  23. DEW: Distributed Experiment Workflows
    Jelena Mirkovic, Genevieve Bartlett and James Blythe
    Proceedings of the CSET 2018.
  24. Malware Analysis through High-Level Behavior
    Xiyue Deng and Jelena Mirkovic
    Proceedings of the CSET 2018.
  25. GuidedPass: Helping Users to Create Strong and Memorable Passwords
    Simon S. Woo and Jelena Mirkovic
    Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID), 2018.
    (acceptance rate 33/145=23%)
  26. Leveraging Semantic Transformation to Investigate Password Habits and Their Causes
    Ameya Hanamsagar, Simon S. Woo, Chris Kanich and Jelena Mirkovic
    Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2018.
    (acceptance rate 667/2657=25.1%)
  27. RESECT: Self-Learning Traffic Filters for IP Spoofing Defense
    Jelena Mirkovic, Erik Kline and Peter Reiher
    Proceedings of 2017 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), 2017.
    (acceptance rate 48/244=19.7%)
  28. Commoner Privacy And A Study On Network Traces
    Xiyue Deng and Jelena Mirkovic
    Proceedings of 2017 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), 2017.
    (acceptance rate 48/244=19.7%)
  29. Understanding Malware’s Network Behaviors using Fantasm
    Xiyue Deng, Hao Shi and Jelena Mirkovic
    Proceedings of LASER Workshop, 2017.
  30. Do You See Me Now? Sparsity in Passive Observations of Address Liveness
    Jelena Mirkovic,Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann, Hao Shi and Xiyue Deng
    Proceedings of Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), 2017.
  31. Hiding Debuggers from Malware with Apate
    Hao Shi, Jelena Mirkovic,
    Proceedings of ACM SAC, 2017. (acceptance rate 8/51=16%)
  32. Enabling SDN Experimentation in Network Testbeds
    Sivaramakrishnan Ramanathan, Pravein Kannan, Chan Mun Choon, Jelena Mirkovic, Keith Sklower,
    Proceedings of ACM SDNNFV Security Workshop, 2017.
  33. Improving Recall and Security of Passphrases through Use of Mnemonics
    Simon Woo, Jelena Mirkovic,
    Proceedings of Passwords Conference, 2016.
  34. Life-Experience Passwords (LEPs)
    Simon Woo, Elsi Keiser, Ron Artstein, Jelena Mirkovic,
    Proceedings of ACSAC, 2016 (acceptance rate 48/210=22.8%)
  35. Good Automatic Authentication Question Generation
    Simon Woo, Zuyao Li, Jelena Mirkovic,
    Proceedings of International Natural Language Generation conference, 2016
  36. Engaging Novices in Cybersecurity Competitions: A Vision and Lessons Learned at ACM Tapia 2015
    Jelena Mirkovic, Aimee Tabor, Simon Woo, Portia Pusey,
    Proceedings of USENIX Summit on Gaming, Games and Gamification in Security Education (3GSE), 2015.
  37. Expressing Different Traffic Models Using The LegoTG Framework
    G. Bartlett and J. Mirkovic.
    In Proceedings of the Workshop on Computer and Networking Experimental Research using Testbeds (CNERT), 2015 (Best Paper)
  38. Critter: Content-Rich Traffic Trace Repository
    V. Sharma, G. Bartlett and J. Mirkovic.
    In Proceedings of Workshop on Information Sharing and Collaborative Security (WISCS), 2014.
  39. Cardinal Pill Testing of System Virtual Machines
    H. Shi, A. Alwabel, and J. Mirkovic.
    In Proceedings of the USENIX Security Symposium, 2014.
    (acceptance rate ~67/350=19%)
  40. Class Capture-the-Flag Exercises
    J. Mirkovic, P. A. H. Peterson.
    In Proceedings of the USENIX Summit on Gaming, Games and Gamification in Security Education 2014.
  41. Safe and Automated Live Malware Experimentation on Public Testbeds
    A. Alwabel, H. Shi, G. Bartlett, and J. Mirkovic.
    In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test, 2014.
  42. Life-Experience Passwords (LEPs)
    S. Woo, J. Mirkovic, E. Kaiser and R. Artstein.
    In Proceedings of the Who are you? Adventures in Authentication Workshop 2014.
  43. Reducing Allocation Errors in Network Testbeds
    J. Mirkovic, H. Shi and A. Hussain.
    In Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2012.
    (acceptance rate ~45/183=24.6%)
  44. Beyond Disk Imaging for Preserving User State in Network Testbeds
    J. Mirkovic, A. Alwabel and T. Faber.
    In Proceedings of the Workshop on CyberSecurity Experimentation and Test (CSET) 2012.
  45. A Semantic Framework for Data Analysis in Networked Systems
    A. Viswanathan, A. Hussain, J. Wroclawski, S. Schwab and J. Mirkovic.
    In Proceedings of the Networked System Design and Implementation (NSDI) 2011.
    (acceptance rate ~27/157=17.2%)
  46. Teaching Security with Network Testbeds
    J. Mirkovic, M. Ryan, J. Hickey, K. Sklower, P. Reiher, P. A. H. Peterson, B. H. Kang, M. C. Chuah, D. Massey, G. Ragusa.
    In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Education, 2011.
  47. The DETER Project: Advancing the Science of Cyber Security Experimentation and Test
    J. Mirkovic, T. Benzel. S. Schwab, J. Wroclawski, T. Faber and B. Braden.
    In Proceedings of the IEEE Homeland Security Technologies Conference (IEEE HST), 2010.
  48. RAD: Reflector Attack Defense Using Message Authentication Codes
    E. Kline, M. Beaumont-Gay, J. Mirkovic and P. Reiher.
    In Proceedings of the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), 2009. (acceptance rate ~44/240=18.3%)
  49. Modeling Human Behavior for Defense against Flash Crowd Attacks
    G. Oikonomou and J. Mirkovic,
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2009.
  50. Tools for Worm Experimentation on the DETER testbed
    S. Wei, C. Ko, J. Mirkovic and A. Hussain,
    Proceedings of the IEEE Create-Net International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (Tridentcom), 2009.
  51. How to Test DDoS Defenses
    J. Mirkovic, S. Fahmy, P. Reiher and R. Thomas,
    Proceedings of the Cybersecurity Applications & Technology Conference For Homeland Security (CATCH) 2009.
  52. Current Developments in DETER Cybersecurity Testbed Technology
    T. Benzel, B. Braden, T. Faber, J. Mirkovic, S. Schwab, K. Sollins and J. Wroclawski,
    Proceedings of the Cybersecurity Applications & Technology Conference For Homeland Security (CATCH) 2009.
  53. Building Accountability into the Future Internet
    J. Mirkovic and P. Reiher,
    Proceedings of the IEEE ICNP Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec), 2008.
  54. Correcting Congestion-Based Error in Network Telescope's Observations of Worm Dynamics
    S. Wei and J. Mirkovic,
    Proceedings of the IEEE Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 2008. (6-page paper, overall acceptance rate 32/185=17%)
  55. Privacy-Safe Network Trace Sharing via Secure Queries
    J. Mirkovic,
    Proceedings of the ACM CCS Workshop on Network Data Anonymization (NDA), 2008.
  56. Managing the Health of Security Experiments
    J. Mirkovic, K. Sollins and J. Wroclawski,
    Proceedings of the USENIX Cyber Security Experimentation and Test Workshop (CSET), 2008.
  57. Combining Speak-up with DefCOM for Improved DDoS Defense
    M. Mehta, K. Thapar, G. Oikonomou and J. Mirkovic,
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2008.
  58. Fine-Grained Capabilities for Flooding DDoS Defense Using Client Reputations
    M. Natu and J. Mirkovic,
    Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Large-Scale Attack and Defense Workshop (LSAD), 2007.
  59. Automating DDoS Experimentation
    J. Mirkovic, B. Wilson, A. Hussain, S. Fahmy, P. Reiher, R. Thomas and S. Schwab,
    Proceedings of the USENIX DETER workshop, 2007
  60. Towards User-Centric Metrics for Denial-Of-Service Measurement,
    J. Mirkovic, A. Hussain, B. Wilson, S. Fahmy, P. Reiher, R. Thomas, W. Yao and S. Schwab,
    Proceedings of the ACM FCRC Workshop on Experimental Computer Science (ExpCS), 2007.
  61. DDoS Benchmarks and Experimenter's Workbench for the DETER Testbed
    J. Mirkovic, S. Wei, A. Hussain, B. Wilson, R. Thomas, S. Schwab, S. Fahmy, R. Chertov and P. Reiher,
    Proceedings of the IEEE Create-Net International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (Tridentcom), 2007.
  62. Benchmarks for DDoS Defense Evaluation
    J. Mirkovic, E.Arikan, S. Wei, S. Fahmy, R. Thomas and P. Reiher,
    Proceedings of the IEEE AFCEA MILCOM 2006.
  63. Measuring Denial-of-Service
    J. Mirkovic, P. Reiher, S. Fahmy, R. Thomas, A. Hussain, S. Schwab and C. Ko,
    Proceedings of the ACM CCS Quality of Protection Workshop (QoP), 2006.
  64. A Framework for Collaborative DDoS Defense
    G. Oikonomou, J. Mirkovic, P. Reiher and M. Robinson,
    Proceedings of the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), 2006. (acceptance rate 32/135=27%)
  65. Building Reputations for Internet Clients
    S. Wei and J. Mirkovic,
    Proceedings of the ESORICS International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM), 2006.
  66. A Realistic Simulation of Internet-Scale Events
    S. Wei and J. Mirkovic,
    Proceedings of the the Create-Net International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS), 2006.
  67. Profiling and Clustering Internet Hosts
    S. Wei, J. Mirkovic and E. Kissel,
    Proceedings of the WORLDCOMP International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN), June 2006.
  68. Distributed Worm Simulation with a Realistic Internet Model
    S. Wei, J. Mirkovic and M. Swany,
    Proceedings of the ACM IEEE SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS), 2005.
  69. Alliance Formation for DDoS Defense
    J. Mirkovic, M. Robinson, P. Reiher and G. Kuenning,
    Proceedings of the ACM SIGSAC New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW), 2003. (acceptance rate 13/43=30%)
  70. Challenges of Source-End DDoS Defense
    J. Mirkovic, G. Prier and P. Reiher,
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), 2003. (acceptance rate 40/155=26%)
  71. Attacking DDoS at the Source
    J. Mirkovic, G. Prier and P. Reiher,
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2002. (acceptance rate 32/217=15%)
  72. Implementing Address Assurance in the Intel IXP Router
    M. Burns, G. Prier, J. Mirkovic, P. Reiher,
    Proceedings of the Network Processors Conference (NPC), 2002.
  73. SAVE: Source Address Validity Enforcement Protocol
    J. Li, J. Mirkovic, M. Wang, P. Reiher and L. Zhang,
    Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM, 2002. (acceptance rate 192/938=20.5%)
  74. A Self-Organizing Approach to Data Forwarding In Large-Scale Sensor Networks
    J. Mirkovic, G. P. Venkataramani, S. Lu and L. Zhang,
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2001.
Other refereed publications
  1. Software-Defined Security Service
    M. Yu, Y. Zhang, J. Mirkovic and A. Alwabel
    Open Networking Summit, 2014.
  2. When Is Service Really Denied? A User-Centric DoS Metric
    J. Mirkovic, A. Hussain, B. Wilson, S. Fahmy, W. Yao, P. Reiher, S. Schwab and R. Thomas,
    Poster paper at the ACM International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS), 2007.
  3. A Taxonomy of DDoS Attacks and Defense Mechanisms
    J. Mirkovic and P. Reiher,
    ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review, Vol. 34, Num. 2, April 2004, pp. 39-54.
  4. Genetic Search Based on Multiple Mutations
    V. Milutinovic, D. Cvetkovic and J. Mirkovic,
    IEEE Computer, pp. 118-119, November 2000.
Tech reports / thesis / other
  1. Designing for Fallible Humans
    J. Mirkovic and S. S. Woo,
    Proceedings of Humans and CyberSecurity Workshop (HACS), 2019.
    Invited paper
  2. Improving Testbed Experiment Design Through Shifting User Interface Emphasis,
    G. Bartlett, J. Mirkovic and J. Blythe,
    USC/ISI Technical Report # ISI-TR-737, 2019.
  3. LegoTG: Composable Traffic Generation with a Custom Blueprint,
    J. Mirkovic and G. Bartlett,
    USC/ISI Technical Report # ISI-TR-699, 2015.
  4. DADL: Distributed Application Description Language,
    J. Mirkovic, T. Faber. P. Hsieh, G. Malayandisamu, R. Malavia,
    USC/ISI Technical Report # ISI-TR-664, 2010.
  5. Comparative Evaluation of Spoofing Defenses
    E. Kissel and J. Mirkovic,
    USC/ISI technical report number ISI-TR-655, January 2009.
  6. A Two-Constraint Approach to Risky Cybersecurity Experiment Management
    J. Wroclawski, J. Mirkovic, T. Faber and S. Schwab,
    Invited paper at the 2008 Sarnoff Symposium.
  7. A Practical IP Spoofing Defense Through Route-Based Filtering
    J. Mirkovic, N. Jevtic and P. Reiher,
    University of Delaware CIS Department Technical Report CIS-TR-2006-332.
  8. Distributed Defense Against DDOS Attacks
    J. Mirkovic, M. Robinson, P. Reiher and G. Oikonomou,
    University of Delaware CIS Department Technical Report CIS-TR-2005-02.
  9. A Taxonomy of DDoS Attacks and DDoS Defense Mechanisms
    J. Mirkovic, J. Martin and P. Reiher,
    UCLA CSD Technical Report CSD-TR-020018.
  10. Source Router Approach to DDoS Defense
    J. Mirkovic, G. Prier and P. Reiher,
    UCLA CSD Technical Report CSD-TR-010042.
  11. iSAVE: Incrementally Deployable Source Address Validation
    J. Mirkovic, Z. Xu, J. Li, M. Schnaider, P. Reiher and L. Zhang,
    UCLA CSD Technical Report CSD-TR-020030.
  12. D-WARD: Source-End Defense Against Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks
    J. Mirkovic,
    Ph.D. Thesis, UCLA, August 2003.
  13. SAVE: Source Address Validity Enforcement Protocol
    J. Li, J. Mirkovic, M. Wang, P. Reiher and L. Zhang,
    UCLA Technical Report CSD-TR-010004.



  1. Research Infrastructure: Mid-scale RI-1 (M1:IP): SPHERE - Security and Privacy Heterogeneous Environment for Reproducible Experimentation
    award number 2330066
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: B. Kocoloski, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: D. Choffnes, Northeastern University
  2. CICI: RSSD: DISCERN: Datasets to Illuminate Suspicious Computations on Engineering Research Networks
    award number 2319864
    Lead PI: B. Kocoloski, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: J. Mirkovic, USC/ISI
  3. Modernizing DeterLab education support and growing and diversifying education user base
    award number FA9550-22-1-0459
    Lead PI: Jelena Mirkovic, USC/ISI
  1. Community Labeling and Sharing of Security and Networking Test datasets (CLASSNET)
    award number 8115780
    Lead PI: Jelena Mirkovic, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: John Heidemann, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: Wes Hardaker, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: Michalis Kallitsis, Merit Network Inc.
  1. ENS: Modernizing and Streamlining DeterLab Testbed Experimentation
    award number 2016643
    Lead PI: Jelena Mirkovic, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: Terry Benzel, USC/ISI
  2. REU Site: SURF-I: Safe, Usable, Resilient and Fair Internet
    award number 2051101
    Lead PI: Jelena Mirkovic, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: Luis Garcia, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: Fred Morstatter, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: Rafael Ferreira da Silva, USC/ISI
  3. SEARCCH: Sharing Expertise and Artifacts for Reuse through a Cybersecurity Community Hub
    award number 1925564
    Lead PI: Terry Benzel, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: Jelena Mirkovic, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: Eric Eide, University of Utah
    Co-PI: David Balenson, SRI
    Co-PI: Laura Tinnel, SRI
    Co-PI: Tim Yardley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  4. DETER Research Education and Operations Mission Sustainment
    award number 1842703
    Lead PI: T. Benzel, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: J. Mirkovic, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: E.Kline, USC/ISI
  5. Distributed Workflows for Cyberexperimentation
    NSF OAC Software Institutes
    award number 1835608
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: G. Bartlett, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: J. Blythe, USC/ISI
  6. Hardening Systems Against Low-Rate DDoS Attacks
    NSF SaTC
    award number 1815495
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: C. Hauser, USC/ISI
  7. DDoS Defense In Depth for DNS
    award number 1739034
    Lead PI: J. Heidemann, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: J. Mirkovic, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: W. Hardaker, USC/ISI
  8. REU Site: Human Communication in a Connected World
    award number 1659886
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: C. Hauser, USC/ISI
  9. Modeling Student Activity and Learning on Cybersecurity Testbeds
    NSF Cybercorps SFS
    award number 1723717
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic USC/ISI
    Co-PI: Richard Weiss, Evergreen College
    Co-PI: Jens Mache, Lewis and Clarke College
  10. SENSS: Security Service for the Internet
    award number D15PC00184
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic USC/ISI
    Co-PI: M. Yu, Yale University
  11. Revitalizing Cyber Security Education and Research through Competitions
    NSF SaTC
    award number 1224035
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic USC/ISI
    Co-PI: Ronald Pike, CSU Pomona
  12. FRADE: Model Human Behavior for Flash cRowd Attack DEfense
    NSF SaTC
    award number 1319215
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic USC/ISI
  13. Critter@home: Content-Rich Traffic Trace Repository from Real-Time, Anonymous, User Contributions
    NSF SaTC
    award number 1224035
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic USC/ISI
  14. Traffic modeling and generation with custom fidelity for cyber security experimentation
    award number 1127388
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic USC/ISI
  15. Privacy-safe sharing of network data via secure queries
    NSF CNS Trusted Computing
    award number 0914780
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic USC/ISI
  16. Investigating Network Testbed Usage
    award number 1049758
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic USC/ISI
  17. Hands-on exercises on DETER testbed for security education
    NSF DUE Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI)
    award number 0920719
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: P. Reiher, UCLA
    Co-PI: D. Massey, Colorado State University
    Co-PI: Mooi-Choo Chuah, Lehigh University
    Co-PI: B. Hoon Kang, UNC Charlotte
  18. Beyond Testbeds: Catalyzing Transformative Research and Education through Cybersecurity Collaboratories (BTCT)
    NSF CNS Cyber Trust
    award number 0831491
    Lead PI: J. Wroclawski, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: J. Mirkovic, USC/ISI
  19. Enabling Routers to Detect and Filter Spoofed Traffic
    NSF CNS Cyber Trust
    award number 0716452
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: P. Reiher, UCLA
  20. Transparent, Secure and Reliable Virtual Infrastructure Management
    USC-InfoSys Center for Research and Education in Advanced Software Technologies (CAST)
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: T. Faber, USC/ISI
  21. iSim - Simulator of Internet-scale Events
    NSF CNS Computing Research Infrastructure (CRI) - planning grant
    award number: 0708774
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic, USC/ISI
  22. Benchmarks for DDoS Defense
    Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency
    award number FA8750-05-2-0197
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic, USC/ISI
    Co-PI: P. Reiher, UCLA
    Co-PI: S. Fahmy, Purdue University
    Co-PI: R. Thomas, SPARTA, Inc.
  23. DefCOM - Distributed Defense Against DDoS Attacks
    NSF CNS Cyber Trust
    award number 0430228
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic, University of Delaware
    Co-PI: P. Reiher, UCLA
  24. Securing DefCOM operation from inside and outside threats
    NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Supplement
    award number 0430228
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic, University of Delaware
  25. Machine Learning for Worm Defense
    University of Delaware Research Foundation
    Lead PI: J. Mirkovic, University of Delaware

Program Committee Service

  • PC chair for PAM 2015, NPSec (Workshop on Secure Network Protocols) 2009, CSET (Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test) 2008 and 2009.
  • Local chair for PAM 2014.
  • Track chair for ACM CCS 2021.
  • TPC member IMC 2024, USENIX Security 2023, IMC 2022, USENIX Security 2022, ACM CCS 2022, USENIX Security 2021, RAID 2021, IMC 2021, International Workshop on Traffic Measurement for Cybersecurity 2021, NDSS 2020, Euro S&P 2020, SOSR 2020, Usenix Security 2020, CoNext 2019, IMC 2019, DIMVA 2019, PAM 2019, Usenix Security 2019, RAID 2019, NDSS 2018, CSET 2017, ASE 2017, LASER 2017, CSET 2016, ASE 2016, Oakland S&P 2015, IMC 2014, PAM 2014, CANS 2013, ACSAC 2012, IMC 2012, ICDCS 2011, Securecomm 2009, Global Internet 2008 and 2009, Chinacom 2009, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference 2008, Applied Cryptography and Network Security 2008, INFOCOM 2006, IWQoS (International Workshop on Quality of Service) 2006, 2007 and 2008, ICCCN (IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks) 2006, 2007 and 2008, WSPWN (International Workshop on Research Challenges in Mobile and Wireless Networks Security and Privacy) 2006, NPSec (Workshop on Secure Network Protocols) 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2013, WORIA (International Workshop on Rapid Internet Attacks) 2005.
  • Invited session chair for "Network Security" session at the Sarnoff Symposium 2007 and 2008.
  • Publicity chair for SIGCOMM 2007, NPSec (Workshop on Secure Network Protocols) 2007.

Reviewer and Editor Service

  • Co-editor of IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine's security education column
  • Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Security and Privacy (TOPS)
  • Editor of Elsevier Computer Networks
  • NSF Cyber Trust, NeTS, CAREER and REU program panelist
  • ACM CCR (Computer Communications Review), ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, ACM Operating Systems Review, ACM Computing Surveys
  • IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, IEEE Computer Magazine, IEEE Communications Letters
    International Journal of Information Security
  • Elsevier International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, Elsevier Computer Networks Journal
  • EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
  • SpringerLink International Journal of Information Security
  • The Handbook of Information Security, The Handbook of Computer Networks
  • ETRI Journal