ISI Directory

Brian Kocoloski, Ph.D
Research Computer Scientist, Lead Scientist
Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Pittsburgh, 2017
B.S., Computer Science, University of Dayton, 2011
Research Summary
My research focus is on developing secure, lightweight, and performant system software for networks, with applicability to a range of environments including datacenters, clouds, and orbital systems in outer space.
A significant amount of my time goes to leading the MergeTB project, a network testbed platform that supports a variety of advanced networking testbeds operated by USC/ISI, including the recently funded NSF SPHERE testbed.
Some of my currently funded projects include:
I am co-PI and technical lead for the SPHERE project, which is developing a new research infrastructure and testbed in support of security and privacy research.
I am PI of the CAPSULE project, which is prototyping a microkernel-based network OS for secure and performant network operation in space.
I am PI of the DISCERN project, which is producing datasets which capture legitimate and malicious use of NSF cyberinfrastructure resources.