ISI Directory

Devanand Krishna Shenoy, Ph.D.

Director of Microelectronics Innovation & Ventures Center


Ph.D., Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India


Dr. Dev Shenoy started at the University of Southern California’s Information Sciences Institute, USC/ISI, as the Director of Microelectronics Innovation and Ventures Center in August of 2018. Dev has been a PI on cutting-edge projects related to Microelectronics.

Prior to joining USC/ISI, Dev was a Chief Engineer in the Advanced Manufacturing Office at the Department of Energy (DOE) HQ and in that role co-authored DOE’s 2015 QTR (Quadrennial Technology Review) that serves as a blueprint for DOE’s energy technology investments. Among other initiatives, Dev proposed a cross-cutting effort in AI/Machine learning for energy applications and a “Big Idea” for U.S. national security and economic competitiveness within the Office of EERE (Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy) on “Beyond Moore Computing” with participation from eight DOE National Labs.

Prior to joining DOE, Dev served as a Senior Advisor at the Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy (MIBP) Office within the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). In that role, he co-led a Telecom initiative with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to explore U.S. opportunities in Optical networks. While at OSD/MIBP, Dev proposed and helped develop a public-private partnership in Photonics that led to the creation of the AIM Photonics Institute (a $600M public-private partnership).

Prior to serving at the Pentagon, Dev was a Program Manager at DARPA, (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), where he developed and managed over $100 M in cutting-edge technology programs in the areas of Spintronics such as the STT-RAM (Spin Torque Transfer Random Access Memory) program based on MTJs (Magnetic Tunnel Junctions) and Non-Volatile Logic based on nano-magnets and spin waves; Dev also developed and led programs in Photonics and MEMS for defense and commercial applications.
Dev has served on National Academy of Science panels in diverse topic areas including Machine Intelligence, Additive Manufacturing and the Energy-Water nexus.

Dev has a Ph.D. in Physics from the prestigious Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India, and NSF postdoctoral experience from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. Dev has numerous scientific and technical publications including in reputed journals such as Nature and Physical Review Letters and holds multiple U.S. patents for his inventions at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC where he served as a Research Physicist. Dev is a Fellow of the SPIE – Society for Photo-Acoustical Instrumentation Engineers.