ISI Directory
Emmanuel Johnson, Ph.D
Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Southern California
M.S., Computer Science, University of Southern California
M.Sc., Robotics, University of Birmingham
B.S., Computer Engineering, North Carolina A&T State University
I am a Postdoctoral Research Associate working with Yolanda Gil. I completed my Ph.D. here at USC advised by Jonathan Gratch at the Institute for Creative Technologies. My research seeks to utilize artificial intelligence methods to build personalized learning systems.
Research Summary
I\'m interested in using automated systems to teach a variety of skills. Currently, I am fascinated with how one might utilize virtual human simulations to teach social skills. This involves building systems to engage more naturally with humans, assessing learning gains in students as well as determining the most effective way to provide feedback to encourage adaptation of certain skills and principles.
USC Center for Engineering Diversity Leadership and Service Award
New Brunswick Education Foundation Spirit Award
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Fulbright Fellowship
NCA&T Outstanding Engineering Honors Student Award
Dr. Dorothy J. Harris Exemplary Leadership Award