ISI Directory

Bahareh Harandizadeh, Ph.D
Research Assistant
Ph.D, Computer Science, University of Southern California
M.S., Computer Science, University of Irvine California
I am a Ph.D. student at the MINDS (Machine Intelligence and Data Science) group at ISI, working with Prof.Fred Morstatter. Previously, I completed my Master's in Computer Science from UCI, and Information Technology from University of Tehran. I also was working as a visiting research assistant at SymLab, HKUST hosted by Prof.Pan Hui, and Social Informatics lab, Università degli Studi di Trento hosted by Prof.Fabio Casati.
Research Summary
My research interests span machine learning and natural language processing, with a focus on investigating properties of behavioral studies by using documents of the social discourse, such as social media and news articles. In particular I am interested to apply and expand unsupervised(e.g Topic Modeling) and human-in-loop ML techniques to predict emerging trends and group behavior.