ISI Directory
Wes Hardaker
Senior Computer Scientist, Lead Scientist
I'm a Senior Computer Scientist at USC's Information Sciences Institute, responsible for overseeing teams to develop and execute research ideas. I'm principally responsible for the operation and management of the Internet’s DNS critical infrastructure, which handles 1/13th of all the world’s top level DNS requests. I'm also the principal representative for B-Root in the Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) in the multi-stakeholder Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) organization. My research focuses on Internet security and intrusion detection (GAWSEED and APROPOS) and developing research programs to enhance the DNS and other Internet protocols and I have two currently funded NSF projects: the DNS, Identity, and Internet Naming for Experimentation and Research (DIINER) NSF project that will allow networking researchers to conduct safe and at-scale experiments using live, production-level traffic and the DDoS Defense in Depth for DNS (DDIDD) projects that brings a multi-layer approach to defending critical DNS services against DDoS based attacks. I've been actively participating in the IETF open standards body that documents internet protocols for roughly 25 years, and currently sit as a member of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB).
Please visit my more extensive and more frequently updated research website at .
Research Summary
Global Analysis of Weak Signals for Enterprise Event Detection (GAWSEED)
Accurate and Precise Recongition of Obsecured Payloads in Operational System (APROPOS)
DDoS Defense In Depth for DNS (DDIDD)
DNS, Identity, and Internet Naming for Experimentation and Research (DIINER)