ISI Directory

Scott Miller, Ph.D

Supervising Computer Scientist, Principal Scientist


Ph.D. Computer Science, Northeastern University, 1997
M.S. Computer Science, Northeastern University, 1992
B.A. Mathematics, SUNY New Paltz, 1980


Scott Miller is a Research Team Leader and Supervising Computer Scientist at USC’s Information Sciences Institute and is a co-director of ISI’s Center for Vision Image Speech and Text Analytics (VISTA). His three decades of research experience span disciplines of machine learning, human language technologies, and forecasting. Miller has served as a Principal Investigator for numerous IARPA and DARPA efforts. His previous roles include founding Translingual Technologies, a Massachusetts-based startup that created novel machine translation technologies; serving as Chief Scientist at Basis Technology Corporation; and leading teams in Information Extraction, Machine Translation, Information Retrieval, and Forecasting as a Senior Technical Director at BBN.