Andreyeva, K., Topper, H., Lintala, P., Griffith, T., and Barnhart, D., “Feasibility of Multi-Axial Gecko Gripping for Active Debris Removal” IC-23,C2,7,6,x88970, 74th International Astronautical Congress, Baku Azerbsijan, November 2023.
Barnhart, David A., Ebrahimi, Melodie R., "CLING-ERS: A Mechanism for Autonomous In-Orbit Rendezvous and Docking", Marlborough School and Department of Astronautical Engineering, University of Southern California, October 2023.
Schimmelpfeng, Dirk, “Design of a Landing Leg System of a Lunar Lander Testbed”, GRADUTION THESIS in Mechanical Engineering, Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen, performed at USC SERC 2023.
Spielhaupter, Johannes C., “Validating the Thrust Vector Control System for Lunar Lander Flying Testbed”, GRADUTION THESIS in Electronic and Technical Information, Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen, performed at USC SERC 2023.
Saniecki, Dustin, “Attitude Control System Simulation for Lunar Lander Flying Testbed”, GRADUTION THESIS in Mechanical Engineering, Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen, performed at USC SERC 2023.
Garrido, C., Lin, S., Di, J., Bergstrom, J., Rios, B., Byrne, B., Clements, S., Dhabekar, ., Dadhich, B., and Barnhart, D., “MAVERIC: Exploring Space Visualization Technology through Academic Flight Programs”, Small Satellite Conference August 5-10th 2023, Utah State University, UT.
Rajguru, A., Eyre, E., Ebrahimi, M., Barnhart, D., Adam, R., Griffith, T., Chibuzor, D., Haq, S., Nguyen, J., and Le, J., "CLINGERS: Optimizing RPO Ease for Assembly Operations", 2022 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Aug 7-11, 2022, AAS 22-580.
Barnhart, D., Bacher, D., Davies, J., Ridgeway, J., Ramesh, S., Madrecha, S., Badii, A., Stevlingson, C., Reynoso, E., Struhl, J., Piekarewicz, P., Thonapalin, P., and Dajani, K., "Low Temperature Solid Propellant Investigations for Mechanical Properties", AIAA Aviation Forum, Chicago IL, 27 June 2022.
Renteria, M., Blair, C., Mellano, C., Snow, H., Do, K., Cislowski, B., Estrada, S., and Barnhart, D., "STARFISH: Soft Translatable Actuated Robot for in Space Handling", 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25-29 October 2021, AC-21,B6,IP,5,x63656
Smat, M., Barnhart, D., Narain, A., Brieler, I., Gianousopolous, D., Sharad, A., Weingaertner, R., Wang, H., Orozco, J., Tran, T., Nagpal, S., and Foster N., "The Architecture of a Safe Low Cost Earth Based Lunar Landing Test Bed for the Validation of Experimental Flight and new Technologies", 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25-29 October 2021, IAC-21,D5,1,x65885
Rughani, R. Relative-Motion Trajectory Generation and Optimization for Spacecraft Swarms (PhD thesis). University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. April 2021.
Renteria, M., Estrada, S. D., Cislowski, B.S., Snow, H., Blair, C., Do, K., Mellano, C., Choi, E., Barnhart, D. A., "STARFISH: Soft Translatable Advanced Robot for In-Space Handling", 16th International Conference on Space Operations, Cape Town, South Africa, 3 - 5 May 2021, pp1619. (Virtual)
Rughani, R., Barnhart, D.A., “Sensor Fusion Kalman Filtering for Stability and Control of Satellite Swarms”, 2021 International Space Operations Conference. Cape Town, South Africa, May 3-5, 2021 (Virtual)
Barnhart, D.A. and Russo, A., “Self foldable lunar lander solar panel: design concept”, 2021 NewSpace Space Power Workshop, sponsored by Aerospace Corporation. Los Angeles CA, April 21, 2021 (Virtual)
Smat, M., Russo, A., Famutimi, O., Puranik, I., Osmundson, A., Narain, A., Bernacchia, D., Rughani, R., and Barnhart, D., “Generation-II Lunar Entry Approach Platform For Research On Ground: a novel concept for low cost, high longevity autonomous operations on the Moon”, 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) – The CyberSpace Edition, 12-14 October 2020, IAC-20,A3,2B,4,x56367
Rughani, R., Barnhart, D.A., “Safe Construction in Space: Using Swarms of Small Satellites for In-Space Manufacturing”, 34th Annual Small Satellite Conference. Logan, Utah, 1-6 August 2020. In Press
Smat, M, Barnhart, D., Villafaña L., Overman, K., "Cellular Based Aggregated Satellite System: The Design and Architecture of a Three Degree of Freedom Near-Frictionless Testbed for Ground Validation of CubeSat Operations." 34th Annual Small Satellite Conference. Logan, Utah, 1-6 August 2020.
Villafana, L., Yuan, J., Broadus, L., Su, W., Carlton, C., Norrell, A., Rughani, R., Barnhart, D., “MAGNETO: Mapping the Earth’s Magnetic Field at 300km using COTS Sensors”, 34th Annual Small Satellite Conference, Logan, Utah, 1-6 August 2020, In Press
Carlton, C., Manness, E., and Barnhart, D., “Low Cost Magneto-Sphere Measurement: Leveraging Fusion of Low Data Rate Downlink with Amateur Radio Community”, 34th Annual Small Satellite Conference, Logan, Utah, 1-6 August 2020, In Press
Barnhart, D., Rughani, R. Allam, J., and Clarke, K., “Initial Safety Posture Investigations for Earth Regime Rendezvous and Proximity Operations”, Journal of Space Safety Engineering, July 13, 2020, Inpress.
Bernachia, David, “Design of Thrust Vectoring attitude control system for Lunar Lander flying testbed”, GRADUATION THESIS in Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control, UNIVERSITA’ DI BOLOGNA, 2020, performed at USC SERC 2019-2020.
Russo, Aloisia, “Multi-functional SElf-reconfigurable Robotic Arm (RAMSEs) and adjoined solar panel preliminary design for Lunar Entry Approach Platform For Research On Ground”, Thesis submitted for the degree Master of Science in Space Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 2020, performed at USC SERC 2019-2020.
Roudet, Alexis, “Experimental setup of a new laser propulsion concept based on the Quantized Inertia theory”, Report submitted for French Air Force Academy Engineering diploma Internship Requirements, 2020, performed at USC SERC 2019-2020.
Barnhart, D.A., and Rughani, R., “On-orbit servicing ontology applied to recommended standards for satellites in earth orbit”, Journal of Space Safety Engineering,
SERC SEMINAR SERIES-2020 Number 1: Big Ideas for Space: Space Engineering Research Center Introduction for 2020
Narayanan, S., Barnhart, D., Rogers, R., Dean, G., Bernstein, S., Singh, A., Almeida, O., Sampathkumar, S., Maness, E., and Rughani, R. -USC; Ruffatto, D., Schaler, E., Van Crey, N., Bhanji, A., and Junkins, E.- JPL; "REACCH - Reactive Electro-Adhesive Capture ClotH Mechanism to Enable Safe Grapple of Cooperative/Non-Cooperative Space Debris.” 30th AIAA/AAS Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. Orlando, Florida, 6-10 January 2020
Rughani R., Barnhart, D.A. "Using Genetic Algorithms for Safe Swarm Trajectory Optimization.” 30th AIAA/AAS Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. Orlando, Florida, 6-10 January 2020
Barnhart, D., Duong, R., Villafana, L., Patel, J., and Annapureddy, S., “The Development of Dynamic Guidance and Navigation Algorithms for Autonomous On-Orbit Multi-Satellite Aggregation”, 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) Washington DC Oct 2019, IAC-19.D1.1.2
Rughani, R., Villafana, L., and Barnhart, D., “Swarm RPO and Docking Simulation on a 3DOF Air Bearing Platform”, 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) Washington DC Oct 2019, IAC-19-D1.2.9
Rughani, R., Rogers, R., Allam, J., Narayanan, S., Patil, P., Clarke, K., Lariviere, M., Du Plessis, J., Villafana, L., Healy, D., Bernstein, S., and Barnhart, D., “Improved CubeSat Mission Reliability Using a Rigorous Top-Down Systems-Level Approach”, 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) Washington DC Oct 2019, IAC-19-B4.IP.17
Barnhart, D., Rughani, R., “On-Orbit Servicing Ontology applied to Recommended Standards for Satellites in Earth Orbit”, 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) Washington DC Oct 2019, IAC-19-D1.6.9
Ryan Hua Duong, “The Development of an Autonomous Subsystem Reconfiguration Algorithm for the Guidance, Navigation, and Control of Aggregated Multi-Satellite Systems”, Thesis for partial fulfilment for Master of Science in Astronautical Engineering, December 2019
Narayanan, S., Rughani, R., Rogers, R., Clarke, K., and Allam, J., "Mission Dodona: Electronic Power System Design, Analysis and Integration", AIAA USU Small Satellite Conference, Logan Utah, August 2019, SSC19-WP1-08.
"What is...Safe? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more", LinkedIn Article, August 2019
Barnhart, D., Rughani, R. Allam, J., and Clarke, K., “Initial Safety Posture Investigations for Earth Regime Rendezvous and Proximity Operations”, 10th International IAASS Conference, May 15, 2019, El Segundo, CA.
Bezouska, W. and Barnhart, D., “Sensor Selection Strategies for Satellite Swarm Collaborative Localization”, 2019 Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, August 11, 2019. AAS 19-920.
Bezouska, W. and Barnhart, D., “Spacecraft Pose Estimation and Swarm Localization performance under Varying Illumination and Viewing Conditions”, 2019 AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Maui, HI, AAS 19-405.
Bezouska, W. and Barnhart, D., “Visual sensor selection for satellite swarm cooperative localization”, SPIE 2019 Defense and Security Conference in Baltimore, MD.
Gyslla D Bento da Silva, Claudia Celeste Celestino de Paula Santos, David Barnhart, “Estudo otimizado sobre Rendezvous com Detritos Espaciais Brasileiros em LEO”, Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018/12/19
Barnhart, D., R. Rughani, Allam, J., Weeden, B., Slane, F., and Christensen, I., “Using Historical Practices to Develop Safety Standards for Cooperative On-Orbit Rendezvous and Proximity Operations”, 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) Bremen Germany 1-5 October 2018, IAC-18,D1,5,8,x45161
Minster. G., "HYPERION: ARTIFICIAL GRAVITY REUSABLE CREWED DEEP. SPACE TRANSPORT", 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) Bremen Germany 1-5 October 2018,IAC-18.B3.7.12
Hyperion Video-USC RASC-AL Video, Summer 2018
Colter Rylan Danekas, “Optimization of Relative Motion Rendezvous via Modified Particle Swarm and Primer Vector Theory”, Thesis for partial fulfilment for Master of Science in Astronautical Engineering, May 2018
USC's First "Hands On" Satellite Ground Communications Course created
Ritter, M., and Barnhart, D., “Geometry Characterization of Electro-adhesion Samples for Spacecraft Docking Application”, IEEE Aerospace Conference, March 2017, Big Sky Montana, 978-1-5090-1613-6/17/31:00c 2017 IEEE
Rahul Rughani, “Improved Reliability of Orbital Rendezvous Operations by Using Small Satellites for Reconnaissance”, Thesis for partial fulfilment for Master of Science in Astronautical Engineering, May 2017
Bento da Silva, G., and Barnhart, D., “Optimized R/B’s Rendezvous Study for Active Debris Removal”, Center for Orbital Debris Education and Research (CODER) Conference 2016, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, November 15-17, 2016.
"On the innovation frontline in space", LinkedIn Article, April 2016
"Of Beetles and KKV's: Dichotomy of dual use space", LinkedIn Article, May 2016
"Space Technology: trees at the root of living spaceships", Financial Times article, February 12, 2016, Clive Cookson.
Rogers, C., Barnhart, D., and Crago, S., “The Maestro Flight Experiment: A 49-Core Radiation Hardened Processor in Space”, IEEE Aerospace Confernece, March 2016, Big Sky, Montana, 978-1-4673-7676-1/16.
Barnhart, D., and Atudosiei, N., “Growing Life in Space: Sustainable Bioterra for Mankind's Future on Earth and in Space”, Management and Legislation in Agriculture, Agrotourism, Food, Agrifood Economics, Environment and Consumer Protection Conference, October 2015, Bucharest, Romania.
Barnhart, D., L., Hill., Fowler, E., Hunter, R., Hoag, L., Sullivan, B., and Will, P., “A Further Look at Potential Impact of Satlets on Design, Production, and Cost of Satellite Systems”, Small Satellite Conference, August 2014, Logan, Utah, SSC14-V-6.
Barnhart, D., Will, P., Sullivan, B., Hunter, R., Hill, L., “Creating a Sustainable Assembly Architecture for Next-Gen Space: The Phoenix Effect”, National Space Symposium Paper, May 2014, Colorado Springs CO.
Barnhart, D., Garretson, P., and Will, P., “Enabling the 2nd Generation in Space: Building blocks for large scale space endeavors”, Journal of British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 67, pp. April 2014. (First presented at DARPA/NASA 100 Year Starship Conference, Orlando Florida, Oct 2011.) (
Barnhart, D., Sullivan, B., Hill, L., Fowler, E., Hoag, L., Mook, M., Chappie, S., Kennedy, T., Kelm, B., and Vincent, K., “Phoenix Program Status 2013”, AIAA Space 2013 Conference, AIAA 2013-5341.
Barnhart, D., Hill, L., Fowler, E., Hoag, L., Sullivan, B., Will, P., “A Market for Satellite Cellularization? A first look at satlet morphology’s implementation and potential impact on the space industry”, AIAA Space 2013 Conference, AIAA 2013-5486.
Barnhart, D., “The Phoenix Project.”, 50th session of the UN COPUOS Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, February 13, 2013.
Barnhart, D., Sullivan, B., Hill, L., Will, P., Chappel, L., Ratti, J., Benedict, B., and VanOmmering, G., “DARPA Phoenix Payload Orbital Delivery System (PODs)” AIAA SPACE Conference & Exposition, AIAA 2013-5484, San Diego, CA, 2013.
M. Ortega, [and 17 others, including H. Sharifazadeh], (2013), "LEAPFROG Generation-X: Exploring Modularized Martian Robotic Exploration through Crowdsourcing the Open-Source Community", AIAA Space Conference & Exposition, ISBN: 978-1-62993-1555, Vol. 3, pp. 2369-237.
Barnhart, D., Hill, L., Turnbull, M., and Will, P., “Changing Satellite Morphology through Cellularization.” AIAA SPACE Conference & Exposition, AIAA 2012-5262, Pasadena, CA, 2012.
Barnhart, D., and Sullivan, B., “Economics of Repurposing In Situ Retired Spacecraft Components.” AIAA
SPACE 2012 Conference & Exposition: AIAA 2012-5304.
M. Ortega, P. Kranenburg, M. Jacobs, H. Sharifazadeh, N. Brito, and S. Vierma, (2012), LEAPFROG: Lunar Entry and Approach Platform for Research on Ground, Great Minds in STEM Conference.
Barnhart, D., Will, P., and Garret, P., “Enabling the 2nd Generation in Space: Building blocks for large scale space endeavors”, 100 Year Starship Conference, Orlando Florida, 2011, and Journal of the British Interplanetary Service-preliminary journal article 2014.
T. Barrett, D. Barnhart, J. Kunc, R. Karkhanis, E. Vartanian, M. Guzman and S. Hesar, “USC's Approach to Satellite-Based, Hands-On Training: The Engineering Teaching Hospital”, AIAA Space 2011 Conference, AIAA 2011-7226, September 2011
Hoag, L., Barrett, T., Aherne, M., Bezouska, W., and Sachs, J., "Caerus - Concept Through Flight in Eleven Months: A Story of Rapid Response and Lessons Learned", AIAA SPACE 2011, AIAA 2011-7132, September 2011. (
Aherne, M., Barrett, T., Hoag, L., Teegarden, E., and Ramadas, R., "Aeneas -- Colony I Meets Three-Axis Pointing", 25th AIAA/USU Small Satellite Conference, SSC-11-XII-7, Logan Utah, August 2011 (
Hoag, L., Kichkaylo., T. and Barnhart, D., “A Systems Architecting Approach to Automation and Optimization of Satellite Design in SPIDR”, International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering, April 6th - 9th, 2010 – Orlando, Florida, USA.
D. Barnhart, T. Barrett, J. Sachs, P. Will, “Development and Operation of a Micro-Satellite Dynamic Test Facility for Distributed Flight Operations”, AIAA Space 2009 Conference, AIAA 2009-6443, Pasadena CA
Bezouska, W., Aherne, M., Barrett, J.T., and Schultz, S., "Demonstration of Technologies for Autonomous Micro-Satellite Assembly", AIAA Space 2009 Conference, AIAA 2009-6504, September 2009, Pasadena, CA (
Barnhart, D., Kichkaylo, T., and Hoag, L., “SPIDR: Integrated Systems Engineering Design-to-Simulation Software for Satellite Build”, 7th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research, Loughborough University, England, April 2009
D. Barnhart, J. Sullivan, P. Will & M. Gruntman, "Advancing Exploration Risk Reduction and Workforce Motivation through Dynamic Flight Testing", AIAA Space 2007 Conference, AIAA 2007-81635, September 2007
D. Barnhart, M. Gruntman, A. Anderson, O. Faghfoor, J. Cheng, "Hands On Space Flight Risk Reduction Training Through Ground Based Dynamic Flight Testing", 58th International Astronautical Congress, Hyderabad, India , IAC-07-E1.4.10, September 2007
D. Barnhart, T. Barrett, O. Rahman, C. Raskin, M. Rudolph, "Lunar descent and landing technique development through real-time earth based flight dynamics operations", 58th International Astronautical Congress, Hyderabad, India , IAC-07-A3.I.A.05, September 2007
Hoag, L., Hendry, M., Rojdev, K., Cheng, J., Faghfoor, O., Garcia, A., Giuliano, P., Raskin, C., Rudolph, M., and Rahman, O., "LEAPFROG: Lunar Entry and Approach Platform For Research On Ground", AIAA Infotech@Aerospace-2007 (